Polina Lobanova

07.07.24 during working on my ba, i often listened to "empty and silent." one warm night before the exam, i left my window open. at first, i thought the song was just playing in my head, but when i opened the window wider, i realized my neighbors were actually listening to it. somehow, it felt significant. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEpOBoKO5cs&ab_channel=MountKimbie-Topic

some plans

  • july - finish my BA at HFBK Hamburg
  • august - moving to Berlin
  • meet with M. in Georgia?
  • visit T. in Turin?
  • september - naive yearly
  • october - Japan

words intersection

  • pivot point
  • conversational tool
  • twin-trees
  • wayfinding
  • question-paths
  • site-spirit
  • solar silence
  • question-gifting
  • fragmentary poem


  • my pleasure can very well take the form of a drift

color index

  • morning dew on spider web
  • pink of cactus bloom
  • white marble
  • blue of cloudless weather
  • blue fragment of glass
  • salty stone
  • wet rock

say hi - polinsski@gmail.com

  • send an image of a stone
  • share with me your favorite color name

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