special fish is a community word processor for writing, poetry, journaling, and logging; brought to you by users like you. Consider supporting to keep this site running.

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I made these HTML templates a while ago. You can use them out of the box, or as a way to learn how to create a website.

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Your Sunday email with links to the quiet, odd, and poetic web.

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Open call for writers, artists, researchers for Robida magazine n. 11 dedicated to orchards, fruit tress and fruits. // The publication Robida 11: Orchard/Sadovnjak/Frutteto wants to be a collection of essays, photographic explorations, visual narratives, art projects, and poetic texts all centered on the orchard as landscape and fruit trees as powerful metaphors and living archives of stories and memories. // Deadline: March 31st

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Supported by

Carolina, Seán, Taichi, Ross, Elliot, Em, Lee, reid, joachim, Anthony, Nicholas, Kristoffer, Ian, Matt, Brendan, Connor, mark, bruno, Liza, Justus, sneek

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