Jack Bardwell @bard

30/01/2025 – Listening to Pam and Louise Chen NTS Breakfast show with a cup of Yorkshire tea in Bed. Slept for ten and a half hours last night, still have this twitch in my eye. There is this mode at the moment that I imagine used to be reserved for spring...the spring clean. The time frame of which has shifted to now. All my social spaces are prepping, cleaning, organising. Maybe its because people don't have a lot of work about now and we have all been reflecting on what we want this new year to be like. To me it feels like a lot of active work for winter, when I want to be taking things slowly and reading, writing, drawing. I do also have the urge to organise though. Now that the studio space is a mess I realise how much it effects my mood, need things to be back in their place. Now that I have seen the mess in those draws I know it's there, haunting me. Out of site out of mind is also a temporal phrase. 27/01/2025 Slow morning, have plans at midday so feel like I am killing time between then. The shower is taken so floating around before I get going. Had instagram back on my phone for a min to promote something for a friend. Deleted again this morning. The scrolling in these hazy morning moments is such a waste of that time and space and feeling. I heard a comedian saying (while talking about making coffee in a moka pot) that the key to life is just finding ways that you enjoy wasting time. This resonated with me and this feeling. Instagram is not a way I enjoy wasting time. But the feeling and sound of my pencil underlining a sentence in a book this morning is a way I enjoy wasting time. p.s the fact that said comedian thought that making your own coffee fell into this category of a time-wasting-luxury says a lot about his lifestyle. I used to hate it when my ex would say that having a nice breakfast or taking a nap was a luxury. 25/01/25 Thinking about Butter again. After watching Fallow's youtube video on making a butter emulsion which allows for butter to be taken to much higher temperatures before it splits. Made a small batch the other day and used it with a charred lettuce leaf. Just added a bit of garlic to the pan first and then in with the 5:2 butter:water emulsion. It immediately reduces and thickens up into the most luxurious silky sauce. Quite dangerous. Feel that I am going to eat a lot more butter now. Think of the possibilities. Adding marmite to this for some kind of butter marmite silky dream! The emulsion I made is now in the fridge and when I got home late last night I dripped it over some toast. I was thinking that it could be a good replacement for butter. It probably lasts longer (although that is not a problem with butter really) because it has been heated up to almost boiling. It is spreadable and you are probably using less butter. Need to do a taste test for this. –––––––––––– @werner I also like these things although not after a Hot Pot
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  • Butter Emulsion as master sauce
  • Veggie Haggis (Using cabbage leaves)
  • Soda Bread


  • NTS Radio (Sounds of Dawn)
  • Kendrick Lamar (DNX)
  • Fever Ray (I'm Not Done)
  • Aphex Twin - Vordhosbn (LAO Wepa Mix), by LAO

Thinking About

  • Third Spaces
  • Scenography for pop culutre
  • Restaurants
  • Cheap Food in the City
  • Pubs

A Mix

  • Aphex Twin - Vordhosbn (LAO Wepa Mix), by LAO
  • Freur - Doot Doot
  • Brian Eno – Another day on Earth
  • Arthur Russell - This Is How We Walk On The Moon
  • Robert Wyatt – Pigs... (In There)
  • Domenique Dumont - +371 with Issue 97: slowthai performs acapella verse on a Northampton street, featuring Alan Moore
  • Talk Talk - THE RAINBOW - 1988


  • For example if this block (list) is for chatting with you!
  • Interested to know if it shows up as a mention every time I update this list