
CHATGPT PROMPT: Write a script for a supernatural episode of Law & Order SVU with less than 25 words. The detectives enter. The room stills. All eyes are on their contrasting figures: Stabler's raw masculinity and Robo-Dracula's sleek power. ROBO-DRACULA Walnuts.


  • A red trans-am with a white swan on the hood, otherwise a red-breasted bird
  • Ryan Gosling's smile, a toothpick sticking out of a sly grin
  • The orange-yellow glow of traffic tunnels at night, the fish at the bottom of the ocean that glow
  • The sweat that comes from adventure
  • The sugar crust around a maple syrup cap that makes it hard to open
  • Still life with cucumbers and pickles
  • Glow-in-the-dark rubber skeletons, a tree decorated with rubber witch fingers,
  • A theme park reflected off somebody's eyes, rickety rides
  • Corn dogs, an empty stage, whispers
  • The sound of somebody outside your house at night screaming but when you look they aren't there
  • Quinceañera dresses in a store window faded by the sun
  • The sound of Journey playing on a car radio dorkly

Band Names For A Noise Project That Only Ever Plays One Show

  • We're Always Together
  • Bathed In Aftertaste
  • Useless Tree
  • Runner's Thigh
  • Pain Gretzky
  • Journey, Pt II

Nutritious Rapper Names

  • Golden Beet
  • Black Radish
  • Monkfruit
  • Serrano
  • Beefsteak
  • Champagne Yeast
  • Granny Smith

Haiku with the word "Awooga"

  • Snow falls, cheeks tingle, / Awooga! It's time for soup / Look, a hungry bird
  • Cicadas sing loud / Awooga! No more twitter. / Content sighs softly
  • Leaves burn, crows circle round, / Awooga! Stop all that smoke! / Kak-kak-kak-kak-kak!
  • Sparrows look for worms / Awooga! Wiggle, wiggle / Look at them all slurp

Buddy Cop Duos that Shoulda Been

  • Rainer Werner Fassbinder + Werner Herzog. (Werner & Werner)
  • Jack Black + Michael Jackson
  • Tom Cruise + John Travolta