cicely @cicely
♡ 12th February, 2025:
I really enjoy trying out new recipes, even when I fail at them. I do feel like I do not try out enough African recipes and it's silly when I have better access to the ingredients for these than others. Anyways, I made coconut shrimp pasta and I am so amazed at how much I love it. I have leftovers and will finish it on the couch, watching the last episode of my current K-drama.
♡ 18th December, 2024:
Repeating to myself that nothing sustainable can be born from hate, shame and negativity so that I can stop trying to insult myself into living a better life. Also, so that I may stop coming here only when I am angry.
Embroidery is so fun to learn and really nice to do but I do it so obsessively, there may be a chance for me to develop carpal tunnel.
♡ 29th November, 2024:
How can one person make me feel so distressed and like a tyrant within my own home? And during all this, I feel tested because I must extend sympathy to their situation but at the cost of my comfort and calm? I suppose relationships, be it familial, platonic or romantic require sacrifice but I am slowly going crazier as the days go by. I want to become stronger to help them, but I feel like I need a bit of a break.
♡ 15th November, 2024:
It is so hard trying to manage my feelings about this break up, there are so many negative and positive feelings directed towards this person I can’t help but feel so confused.
♡ 28th September, 2024:
I feel as though my friends do not know how to want to see me. They have forgotten how to desire my presence, they have forgotten how to love me, I think. When they did visit me, it was clearly an apology for meeting up without telling me, after I had asked to beforehand. When plans with them fall through, there is no move to reschedule. The plans just fall and disappear into thin air. I don't know if it was always like this and I am only just realising.
I am no longer saving for the cardigan because the country has become so expensive and I cannot afford to save.
♡ 20th August, 2024:
I have begun saving up to commission a cardigan from a beloved friend. I am rather bad with money, so I have found it very difficult to save in the past, but I am rather determined to achieve my goal. It also helps me know if I really want a cardigan, or if I would like something else or nothing at all. I will also take the time to design a cardigan of my dreams, this is very exciting.
[22-06-24]the long break has not been so bad so far, and it seems as though i may be largely consistent with my goals this time. eating healthier is much easier than i imagined it would be, i love walking, i take my time with reading and coding has been going well. i would prefer it if it did not take me so long to actually do the things i want to do, that i would procrastinate less, but old habits die hard.
my mind on 26th May, 2024:
for some reason, i have become so apathetic and so ravenous. i wonder when this phase will end, i would like to be in love with my bf once more. i should be studying, or practicing html.
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favourite pastimes
- watching simple, kind of amateur, vlogs on youtube
- learning about plants, ecosystems, the environment
- making art
- writing
- surfing the web
- cooking
- being with loved ones
- embroidery