cybersibling @cybersibling

2025.02.17 today i learned that i don't actually know how to whistle. all this time i had been blaming evelyn, from the mutter-kind-kur i went to in 2nd grade, for teaching me how to whistle while inhaling. i thought that this was why i unlearned how to whistle normally, while exhaling. turns out there is some complex tongue-shaping involved that i never even knew i had to do in order to whistle properly. sorry evelyn for calling you a bitch every time i couldn't whistle. 2025.02.11 in the dream i was at school. at some point i realised with horror that we hadn't had math class since the beginning of the year, and no history class for a few months already. caroline said the history teacher had retired and there was nobody to take his place. she said, let's take thursday to go over all of history, should be enough time! the whole day i was packing my bag, to carry it god knows where. running around, i saw the retired history teacher sitting in front of the classroom door trying to flirt with the students passing by. "excuse me, i just wanted to say..." you had to turn him down like you would a cult member on the street, apologetic frown, palms to the sky, already gone.
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current projects

  • website - draw a new little guy that appears in the corner when you hover for contact/request page, figure out how to add thumbnails for pictures, add some writing
  • blue green beige white hat - ruffled blue edges, maybe another layer of ruffles underneath, strings to tie
  • aigo lyric book - get some cushions to embroider on, scanner experiments!!!! (bring scanner from berlin)
  • hand quilting/embroidery practice on blue pants. learn french knot and that wavy stuff

reading (or trying to)

  • bloodchild by octavia e. butler
  • lcarscom ronald d. moore interview from 2000
  • 새-끼-어 by afsar poetry salon
  • blog posts on how to spin with a drop spindle

on my mind

  • my friends, always always always
  • how to mend: motherhood and its ghosts by iman mersal
  • when is that package with the sweaters arriving, will i have to ask someone in the building to take it out of the locker and keep it until we're back, do i ask erick? or gabby?
  • isaac julien double feature at berlinale (very exciting)

favourite star trek characters

  • odo
  • reginald barkley
  • guinan
  • ro laren
  • rom
  • benjamin sisko
  • data
  • montgomery scott
  • seven of nine
  • elim garak
  • spock
  • naomi wildman

current ailments

  • lower back pain
  • headache when no coffee
  • recurring stomachache
  • compulsive skin picking
  • depression (mild)

top 10 things people have said

  • "You don't drive, so I know you don't eat meat."
  • "I never saw Kevin with the nails!"
  • "Maybe I'm... dog?"
  • "How will I compare Thai places if i don't keep ordering Pad Thai?"
  • "I’m DONE. Printers should exist . We just need to remember things"
  • "그리고 우리는... 우리는 씩씩해!"
  • "Redest du leise?"
  • "He's a pretty devout vegan... except spiders."
  • "Ok! We are Salmon"
  • "Lovely, but a bit poor."