
These days I am keeping myself busy: · Deutsch lernen. · Working on photo projects. · Not so much drawing. 。・✦.∙◦*˚◦.✧。.。・✦.∙◦*˚◦.✧。. 24/07/24 I'm sure hell is an eternity of booking flights and hotels without accidentally getting an insurance or renting a car. But, @javier and I are going to Naive yearly, so that's cool :) 17/07/24 July will be remembered for its German lessons and being tired all the time. 28/06/24 Silliness reaching new heights. 20/06/24 Too many projects, too little time. Can't understand how I dealt with life back when I had a day job. 14/06/24 Living self-exploitation at its finest. (But also, kind of enjoying it?) 10/06/24 Europe giving first half of the XX vibes again. It seems there’s no country to escape to around here. How sad :( 04/06/24 May was quite alright :) 31/05/2024 Boomers' obsession with owning property and profiting from them is really something. 29/05/24 At least I'm no one's son. 27/05/24 First time not attending Primavera Sound Festival since 2006 and I don't even have any feelings about it. EDIT: Ok, maybe indifference? 23/05/24 I keep putting off getting tickets for a trip I said I was going to make. Every time I visit the booking site, I think it would be fine if I was there for the initially planned duration minus 1 day. At this rate, when I'm finally ready to book the trip, I'll realize I'm already back. 22/05/24 Lessons learned today: 1 - Never trust auto settings. 2 - There's a reason why digital cameras have a preview mode: to ensure you didn't fucked up by trusting your camera's auto settings. 21/05/24 Talk and talk and talk and talk. 17/05/24 I finished one movie during breakfast, then watched two more during the day. I loved the first one. I thought I would like the second one, but I hated it. I thought I would hate the third one, but I liked it. 12/05/24 I spent the day organising my ephemera collection. Despite my efforts to contain it, it no longer fits in a single drawer. 09/05/24 Who would have thought that spending a day shopping surrounded by seemingly happy strangers would only worsen that feeling of emptiness you thought you could ignore... 01/05/24 Somehow I managed to make a drawing a day again for the full month of April: Is this what it feels like to be proud of yourself? 28/04/24 It would be nice to stop feeling guilty for e v e r y t h i n g I do. I guess my daily entries are just as moody and gloomy as my weekly entries because I'm not feeling so cheerful these days. Highlight of the week: reading on the seafront. 26/04/24 This: 25/04/24 Two days in a row sleeping 9 hours: Success. I guess it's time to start using the alarm clock again. 22/04/24 Finally managed to make a selection of photos from the last few weeks in Berlin that I am happy with. I also printed some, which I'm picking up this week. It's been too long since I've seen my photographs in paper and I'm excited. 16/04/24 Wondering which thoughts are chemically induced and which are my own. 15/04/24 I don't think these weekly entries are working. I come here on Sunday all moody and gloomy and make it feel like my week was the worst (which is not always the case). The fact that I usually feel down on Sundays is not fair for the rest of the week. 。・✦.∙◦*˚◦.✧。.。・✦.∙◦*˚◦.✧。. Week 15, 2024 · I spend the week anticipating next week, which means I didn't enjoy myself so much. · I didn't want to leave but here I am, back home, tired, sad, alone and surrounded by dirty laundry. Week 14, 2024 · I took too many photos and although I deleted many, I captured some I really like. · Trying to befriend a crow. · Cherry blossoms and allergies. · Every day I ask myself: Is this going anywhere? I am doing it right? Week 13, 2024 · I'm responsible for feeding two wood pigeons (now named Hilda and Franz). · I spend half of my days feeling like I'm not doing enough but on Thursday I manage to finish what I intended to do for the week and my mood improves. · Do you have a favorite cafe in Berlin? I need more places with good coffee where I don't feel like I have to leave the moment I finish my slightly overpriced drink. · I finish a new sketchbook. / I start a new sketchbook. · On Sunday I walk, take pictures and smell not roses, but some other flowers. Unfortunately I don't eat ice cream because there is a long line, but I will take revenge. Week 12, 2024 · I remember that listening to music usually feels good, so I do that. · I don't have the same luck with reading and watching movies. Maybe next week. · I really enjoy drawing on paper but scanning and cleaning the originals, not so much. · Traveling planning takes most of my mental energy. · Writing these words from Berlin. It's cold, windy and rainy but I missed being here. Week 11, 2024 · Felt bad about all sorts of things I said / didn't say, did / didn't do. · Felt good being aware that some of the things I felt bad about are just in my head. Then felt bad about that. · Failed to make any substantial progress on any of my on-going projects. · Made some poor eating choices. · Being surrounded by people with whom I share some of the same silly worries makes me feel less sad, but it makes me sad that they are also going through this. · Saturday became National Coffee Shop Tour day. · Where did my week go? Week 10, 2024 · Felt anxious about anxiety. · Paid money to be told things I know I should do but fail to put into practice. · Made a new friend :) · Work-wise it was a fairly productive week. · I read a lot and watched a few movies, most of which I liked. · Saturday started quite explosively. · Sunday ended up hurting, but in a good way.