fissh @fissh

240627: Followup eye appt today, doc said my eye is healing well. Im glad to hear that, but im still concerned. Will this 6 month pain finally end? All I can do is really trust at this point. I was watching kurzgesagt's latest video about White Death and it really made me think about how I take so many things for granted, like being mostly healthy. I wonder if I have hidden TB now lol. I've been moving my digital files around lately and encrypting sensitive data. I dont have a method of recovery in case I have memory loss or worse, death. I sometimes wonder if today is my last day. It would be devastating to my loved ones if I died now. I would be disappointed I died not having amounted to much. Almost 30 and basically entry level IT. At least I've traveled quite a bit over the past 3 years. I hope the love I'm fostering now is what I want in the future.. 240621: I want to start compiling thoughts. Long. Short. Detailed. Vague. Idk what I’ll do but I want to talk to people about what they’re interested in. Maybe I’ll make a new hobby or just a bunch of penpals. Maybe even friends! Haven’t spoken to people irl much lately. I miss when we used to live closer. Be closer.. But alas! I have learned life is fleeting. Enjoy what I have and don’t take it for granted. I think I’ve been thinking about a time long gone for a while now. I want positive changes and putting myself out there is one of em! Say “hi!” at
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thinking about 240605

  • ai advancements and its effects on my psych (privacy invasion? maybe overthinking it)
  • installing a private ai to use that doesnt hoard my data
  • am i too privacy conscious
  • cleaning up digital life
  • jellyfish's headache
  • detoxing digitally, but still staying online
  • detoxing digitally, but still staying online
  • care for my mental health

cleaning up digital life

  • consolidate "college" folders across all clouds (many dups)