goodyhattrick @goodyhattrick

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i hope i can delete this later

  • life is so hard
  • life is so hard
  • existing is exhausting
  • the world is horrible
  • we could have any world and we made this one?
  • being alive is overwhelming


  • other people have it harder than me
  • other people have it easier than me
  • i feel exhausted
  • my teeth hurt
  • my head is bruised
  • we all deserve better

things to keep

  • life is a struggle so struggle for what you care about
  • i am trying
  • im doing bad because ive been bad at taking care of myself
  • taking care of myself is also an act of love for my partner, even if that includes spending less time with them
  • if you have nothing but fear & doom, you might as well try because what do u have to lose if the worst will happen regardless
  • i hold so much doom and so much hope, its natural and not the end that the doom may flood over me sometimes