irawo @irawo

i created a little place of my own to introduce myself online, i may expand upon it but i think this is a first step at building a digital footprint of my own. i don't enjoy posting or existing in traditional social media platforms, i am still in the process of negotiating my boundaries with those. but for now, my desire is to allow myself to be seen online. present myself to others and allow others to see me, know me, and hold my hand through the screen. step one: a hello
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now reading (1/23)

  • giovanni's room - james baldwin
  • glitch feminism - legacy russell
  • august is a wicked month - edna o'brien
  • annihilation - jeff vandermeer

favorite things atm

  • salted honey hojicha lattes
  • the sound of stepping in snow
  • the texture of molded concrete
  • youtubers with <1k subs (really just youtube in general)
  • my new printer
  • candles
  • whipped shea butter