290824 - discoverd - might help with some personal projects
130824 - i need to find a website with great music on it. there was an image of a guy headbutting himself and the url was in french.
120724 - found that website again - also today is my birthday D:
?????? - i lost the website - happy to find it back
?????? - discovering new grounds on the web - can't wait to learn more.
things to add on personal website
- github repo
- links to friends websites
- links to small web communities
- music player with special tracks made for it - probably ambiant
ideas for blog posts[p], ep concept[m]
- [p] about small web: getting out of the marked path
- [m] hidden in the noise - should name it ''Signal to Noise''
- feeling relaxed after doing some exercice
- double quote " single quote ''