𓉱 feels like . . . @lillyan
08.29.2021: citizen
pulled my fortune from the shrine. ❦
Dear First Church of Savings,
Everyone’s moving along the motions — making a s
tring of decisions, one after another. They’re e
ach keeping a dream to themselves quietly. I hop
e to look back, and think, that even then, we we
re still building the story we would later stand
Sincerely, ❦
From the Compendium of Imagined Saints
St. Saorina ran away from their parents at a you
ng age for unknown reasons, traversing the Sea o
f Gauntlings in a crate originally intended for
lavish silks. The barrel was to be delivered to
the Queen of Cormande. Upon unpacking the crate,
the servant at hand was merciful, and, seeing ho
w emaciated they had become, sent them away with
little food and clothing without disclosing any
information to the royals. In the city of Corman
de, St. Saorina became involved in keeping an or
phanage, and conducted basic chores until it was
discovered that they were excellent at keeping t
he organization's affairs and state of order, al
l the while remaining dear to its humble occupan
ts. No matter was too big or too small for St. S
aorina, and they remained an accessible friend t
o all. ❦
view the source
citizen status
- [location]: bedroom facing south
- [audio]: renaissance recorders, a/c buzz
- [visual]: computer screen, unfortunately
senshi status
- [elements]: moon, light, air
- [equipment]: wing clip, selenite
- [abilities]: crisis collision
𓄃𓄚 if found, please return to:
- dust hath settled on the prairie now harshly
- high fantasy concept
- ephemeral societies
- ch-ch-cherish your q.i.h.
- a memory report
- a maiden dies in a bedroom far away
- love death sorrow
- the internet guardian angel hath no wings