
Some days I'm a leaf. Other days I'm an pebble. The best nap I ever took was on a sunny day in a park in Madrid. -.'.-.-.'.-.-.'.-.-.'.-.-.'.-.-.'.-.-.'.-.-.'.-.-.'.-.-.'.-.-.'.-.-.'.-.-.'.-.-.'.-.-.'.-.-.'.-.-.'.-.-.'.-.-.'.-.-.'.-.-.'.-.-.'.-.-.'.-.-.'.-.-.'.-.-.'.-.-.'.-.- ~* 2.24.24 *~ Updates from the garden: transplanted bok choy and purple mustard seedlings into the garden, pulled and composted the ethiopian kale after it bolted, topped 4 of the 5 green onions to regrow and top dressed everything with compost. Also took the leaves off the chard because it's been taken over by black bean aphids and white flies.. and ants have been farming them >:| it's pretty mature now though so I think it'll likely bounce back fine. Need to start more native ornamental seeds because only two of the california poppy seeds that I spread made it through to seedlings.. I think earwings have been munching on them. Also need to trim back the borage forest that self-seeded from last year, going wild! ~* 9.5.22 *~ three small updates: - I came across this youtube channel I really enjoyed - I almost stepped on a rattlesnake last week : O - I found two bark scorpions on separate occasions in my apartment within the last week D: ready for this heat wave to be over :O' ~* 3.21.22 *~ happy spring! @elliott gave rest notes a nice seasonal coat of paint : ) Other updates... ethiopian kale plant bolted !! I think the nights have been too cool still, I luckily have another one going that I'll get planted soon. ~* 3.18.22 *~ 🌱 📬 ~* 1.27.22 *~ Wow, it's been a minute! Sorry for the long pause. Where should I even begin.. maybe today I'll introduce my ethiopian kale plant: 'til next time! ~* 2.08.20 *~ This weekend I saw two beautiful things: ~ a broken window on the sidewalk ~ a sheet of ice on a rock melting with water droplets like tadpoles I also just finished a candle, made a curry, and completed some work. ~* 2.24.20 *~ Two images from this weekend: A.) A trophy store with a prominently displayed clock... really love this but I don't know why they decided to do it. Perhaps a community service like a town clock? Or maybe some allegory for sports, victory, and marking memorable moments in time? B.) I smelled spring for the first time this weekend, and the light is becoming stronger : ) ~* 2.29.20 *~ An image and a video from this weekend: A + B.) I hiked in a snowy forest in Vermont on a day that only exists every 4 years ~ it felt like an appropriately special way to mark it. ~* 3.07.20 *~ Two images from this past weekend: A.) A note by Christina Kim from an exhibition of Boro textiles at Japan Society. I want to take better notes. B.) Time is money : ) ~* 3.16.20 *~ Two images from this past weekend: A.) trying not to feel too isolated while isolating myself B.) =^.^= ~* 3.23.20 *~ Three images from this weekend: A.) Working on a bread resource for friends: lmk if you'd like me to send you some starter! email: B.) More sunbeam naps C.) Limited time outdoors but still finding beautiful scenes : ) ~* 4.7.20 *~ Two images of the same thing from this weekend: A., B.) Two images side by side displaying a fingerprint left on a leaf. ~* 8.1.20 *~ Two images from this weekend's garlic harvest : ) ~* 8.19.20 *~ This weekend I went for a hike in Vermont (again) and I saw some beautiful mushrooms: A log full of oyster mushrooms This cute mushroom aptly named Stump Puffball A destroying angel (!!!) a deadly mushroom and the bad card in one of my favorite games, Morels ( @skwak ah excited for you to try bread making, lmk if you have any questions !

reading or recently read

  • on earth we're briefly gorgeous
  • hidden life of trees
  • trick mirror
  • my year of rest and relaxation
  • A City Is Not a Computer (currently reading)
  • entangled life
  • The Overstory (currently reading)
  • blockchain chickenfarm (currently reading)



a poem I recently enjoyed, my favorite months, movie queue

  • Rain in winter— / unhappy pine tree / longs for snow
  • april, october, january, june
  • playtime, yiyi, taipei story, t̵h̵e̵ ̵b̵e̵a̵c̵h̵e̵s̵ ̵o̵f̵ ̵a̵g̵n̵e̵s̵, Reminiscences of a journey to Lithuania, born in flames, ̵a̵ ̵t̵o̵u̵c̵h̵ ̵o̵f̵ ̵s̵i̵n̵, mountains may depart