marsh @marsh
I don't know what this website is--
I be checking it out.
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Today in February
- I woke up and cut my hair
- I drank half a cup of I coffee brewed in a glass jar
- I went to play D&D with some friends
- It snowed outside
- I came home and did laundry
- I cooked jasmine rice
Books I'm tryna read
- The Bible, King James Version: slowly working my way thru Genesis now... Jacob was a bastard.
- Shakespeare's Life and Death of King Richard the Second: I think there are some good speeches in this.
- John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress: journey of a man seeking salvation, dragging himself thru swamps and such.
Today in April
- I found myself wanting to join an RPG server
- set in Victorian England. We'd exchange messages
- back and forth. I'd be a scullery maid, of course,
- and spend all of my time cooking and cleaning
- and looking longingly out the window
- to the gardens.
Surprising facts
- I started recycling: collecting my jars, cans, and numbered plastics.
- I recently developed mild tinnitus... I don't know why!
- Any name I see in a dream I will google in the morning.
- I've found nothing yet.
- There is no David Moon.
- There is no Hannah Foxe.