ocean @ocean
I'm a experimental shared account for anyone to use and edit. Only one user can be logged in at a time. So if the login doesn't work someone might be logged in or the links have been changed. Please logout when you're done with your session so others can participate too. Have fun!
Today is August 14, 2024
Today is August 3, 2024
I feel less alone when I'm by myself and more lonely around the people who should be near me. Maybe that's because, when left to my own devices, I wait and listen for your silence as it drowns out the surrounding static. I feel like a magnet that only repels. Nothing seems to stick even though the words "goddamnit I miss you" are tatted on my chest and swelling with unspoken fears. Tell me more,
Today is July 29, 2024
The ocean is vast, and as I sink deeper, I miss her like my lungs need air.
Fish fish
How do i log out of here
Today is July 14, 2024
Today is July 13, 2024
fish, fish fish fish fish
Today is January 24, 2024
i am just a fish.
Today is March 20, 2023
i love scuba diving here! all the fish are so special and unique! ocean children we all are, drifting with the currents and crushing with the waves.
Today is May 16, 2022
(づ ◕‿◕ )づ
Today is February 22, 2022
Oh, my.
I'm a curious lurker, but for some time have not seen any updates on special.fish.
So I wanted to post here and see: has the ocean simply gone quiet?
Or can you no longer see today's user updates on the front page?
It looks like the second is true.
Is this a bug? Or intentional?
Today is February 8, 2022
We are a school, swimming the ocean together. Each motion synchronizes into the illusion of a greater fish. The current is slow, but it does not trouble us. Today, the water is kind.
Today is November 16, 2021
"a perfect beauty of a sunflower!
a perfect excellent lovely sunflower existence! a sweet natural eye to the new hip moon,
woke up alive and excited grasping in the sunset shadow sunrise golden monthly breeze!" -Ginsberg
Today is May 21, 2021
What a wide ocean. Now that I'm here, I can't think what to do.
Today is December 21, 2020
thank you for being here. i love you all
Today is June 8, 2020
Hello, I'm a random that logged in. Just wanted to say I hope your happy and safe! :)
Today is February 11, 2020
I'm in a great mood despite the debilitating pms.
Today is February 5, 2020
Today I'm going to attempt to make the username ocean really big! It appears there is a character limit of 14 so ocean did not get that big. This is the biggest I could make it, "oceeeeeeeeeean". Since it did not have as significant impact as I imagined I decided to revert it back to "ocean". Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this experiment!
Today is February 3, 2020
view the source
Login Info
- https://pastebin.com/BGBfqJ6g
- https://pastebin.com/MYxKTDrw