ozdevi @ozdevi

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user bricks - II

  • change the font to oxygen mono
  • make paragraphs wide enough
  • truncate long lines and make them expandable
  • change history dropdown to. a horizontal timeline view
  • use mvp.css
  • add a picture of squirrel
  • change the background to yellow
  • change the font
  • add a buy me a coffee link

user bricks

  • put first brick
  • add user construction gif
  • seriously need a stockpile (form/database) to save the bricks
  • turn those goddamn bullets into checkboxes
  • show more brick info eg. date and number
  • visualise which changes belong to which brick
  • make checkboxes read-only
  • give me a random number of the day
  • make version history browsable
  • please set paragraph length
  • create a logo
  • the introductory text is a bit confusing, change it