patrick tumbucon @pattynd

this is cool ------------------ june 9, 2020 - lmao i already forgot to write for a day - am i a bad person if i want to kick out an animal crossing villager ------------------ june 7, 2020 - made vietnamese coffee instead of the usual japanese iced. it's different but a nice change. - explaining to overseas cousins why police brutality is a concern in the us. presenting hard evidence in a respectful, firm manner convinced them. thank god - still sore from bouldering in leavenworth
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⛺️ simple pleasures

  • gulping ice cold water at 3am
  • my bird of paradise fully growing out a new leaf
  • lofi beats during a snowstorm

πŸ“š currently reading

  • weapons of math destruction - cathy o'neil
  • what a fish knows: the inner lives of our underwater cousins - jonathan balcombe

top 10 top 10 numbers

  • 10. 4
  • 9. 3
  • 8. 1
  • 7. 6
  • 6. 7
  • 5. 10
  • 4. 9
  • 3. 5
  • 2. 8
  • 1. 2