rather @rather
Part of Time Tripping Munich
It's time. Your next journey starts now. It only needs one thing, and that's you. To begin with, breathe deeply, take a moment and bring some calm to your convoluted thoughts. Headspace. Then it begins. There is no destination, only the journey itself. Let yourself be guided, just follow the leads. There is a summit on the horizon to guide you, but the destination is somewhere else. Let go. You won't reach the distant peaks that you can see from here. But the journey has to end somewhere, as the next one is already waiting for you. So just keep going, don't think too much. Urgent.
Barely audible, the well-oiled joints move through the protective darkness of the night. No rocks, no ravines, no fallen trees pose an obstacle. Undeterred, they follow the given mission, without doubt, without empathy, without questioning. There, behind the next hilltop, behind the next bend in the path, there lies the next destination towards which they are moving, steadily and inevitably.
Things go on and on. Many thousands individuals, each concerned with their own well-being, mingle in their own uniqueness to form an outraged swarm that buzzes restlessly through a forest of concrete. Everything goes on and on. Each individual queen or king in his or her respective comb, the very finest the city has to offer. In the city, as nowhere else, hate shares the bed with love and great happiness climbs up the trunks of each other's sprouting misery.
Rotten wood crumbles under your steps as you slowly approach. Your heart is pounding in your throat as you push aside branch after branch. The brighter the light becomes, the more carefully you plan each step. The closer you get, the louder the voices become - in your head? Or from up ahead where the mysterious light shines through the twisted branches?
My gaze wanders into the distance. The space in my mind is boundless, as there are no walls before my eyes. Modest times, when one day is like another. A deep breath, the feeling of moving on. It is the vastness that carries me and drives my thoughts.
Water and air, isolation and society, home and distance, confinement and spaciousness.
The ruins of a decaying civilization rush past and merge with deep black clouds of smoke that have turned day into night long ago. The road beneath you is battered, something that even the best hover technology can no longer conceal. Suddenly, the control of your vehicle is taken from you and in front of you, in the distance, the cones of several searchlights cut through the darkness. As you zoom towards the unknown with no control over what lies ahead, you think to yourself: This is a rather dystopian road trip.
Langer Atem und... Durchziehn!
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