sneek @sneek

'`°*•☆ mar 25 12am: most hilarious taste of my own medicine (oli xl nerd-reacting my msg, with not even just a regular nerd emoji but a bespoke one i made of the mascot of oli's dormant label) mar 24 6pm: locking in, higher powers willing... apartment seems very nice, no significant red flags (door only locks with key, no turnable thing from inside - which would be red flag for some people, but i dont think i'd mind. but other than this, not much of negative note afaict?) so, currently waiting game for whenever the owner were to see my email, then i guess contract shit and negotiations for givin it over to me, then probably quiet tactical retreat. this seems to be the plan. but for now the more definite waiting game, for tranceparty weekender trip :-] mar 23 4pm: oop! they let me know soon after my prev entry that the apartment isnt rentable after all. i've just cast another line... will see if it's still avail n if they're open to me viewin that shit (7pm edit: apparently yes and yes :-o tomorrow!!). separate bedroom, rather nice location, rather nice views, rather nice amount of empty wallspace to potentially fill with stuff heehee and next weekend i'll finally meet the aforementioned friend (again) whom the aforementioned embarrassingly shysoft dream made me see in a softer light, and bunch of other ppl from like a couple servers im in haha - tranceparty weekender time but for now i want to shift gears into spring cleaning mode... though very nice sunny day today too so i might head out sometime for either a walk or a kick scooter ride... went on a ride yesterday eve too, bit chilly still and there's still uncleaned gravel on some of the paths, but was still pretty nice. (i want to pivot to properly learning how to ride a bike maybe this year... i'll see, if/once ive managed to move out - not gonna lug a bike + protective gear along with me for a move) mar 16 2pm: got an apartment viewing in 3(!) days... my first ever. been looking at tips. hope it goes Well -- my ultimate cartoon smile metaphor has evolved from beloved-memory pincushion into beloved-memory patchwork quilt [sniiiip] feb 23 10pm: theres heavy signs pointing to me needing to gnaw myself the fuck out of living with my parents'. hate it here. need to point my energies accordingly cos they're not arranged in optimal ways at the moment. last summer felt very special for a couple of reasons, i miss it, too cold right now to want to linger outdoors much. feb 9 6pm: re cc @elliott: concept: memory pincushion... there's a song* that's become some kind of memory pincushion in my mind, largely specifically for moments of connection? its a beautiful thing, even tho i haven't specifically compiled (most of) the memories ive pinned to it, yet. but been wanting to, if even just for myself | [reply] "@/sneek ~ wow love the idea of a "memory pincushion." could really see it being a physical pincushion... maybe that's what you imagined? would be a nice gift" *cartoon smile by oli xl. ive been stupidly loud online about my love for it :p in here (snipped away), on my site, in the comments for the song across places, in friends' dm-s, in *oli's* dm-s (eventually swore off it i dont wanna overwhelm), etc maybe........... and maybe this pincushionness is one of the main things that makes it rly special for me (and even after frankly insane playcounts (im talking 6k+) im not tired of it :,) wild) feb 4 4am: the urge to finish off stuff in one sitting if feasible can be a CURSE look at the fucking time im writing this. (went thru all the folders in my videos folder, cleared out like 2.1gb worth stuff. some could still be downsized probably but leaving that for later cos not urgently needing space and wnna go thru other files too but... maybe not now... cos, the time) 2025 --- 2024 dec 30 9pm: sometimes feels nice not to elaborate dec 15 8:30pm: back from the trip to bristol, it was quite nice overall but my head hurts and my throat is sore now, need a big sleep before work tomorrow... feeling fragile, my period started during the trip too. shed a few tears twice on the flights, once happy (over the tiny things, as usual), once sad (over hypothetical thinking). glad still. time to slowly sink back into the day-to-day and try steer myself best i can towards more ideal futures... dec 11 8:45pm: dont want to directly ping this person w a mention but @ vent [ ] you are so real for all of that. im fortunately not dealing with any active flaming crushes right now, just this stupid lowkey admiration for a certain huge fav artist amongst the other appreciations i got goin for him mostly music-wise. can't flag this as a celeb crush he is not a celeb and Fuckign Knows I Exist. and im catching him dj for the 12th time this friday loolllll (though after the sets this month there will apparently be no more until album :-O!!?!) okay, well, and this friend of mine who's admitted she has a crush on me but she's been rather awol from online but i don't mind that, and some sort of dry crush-kindling at hand for another friend who appeared in a dream of mine a little embarrassingly some time back and i mentioned that to him vaguely and he was like 'gonna have to remember to bring this up next time i catch you at an oli show' lol, i mean realistically nothing will happen of this, would just be funny to directly recount the dream. tangential: i tend to forget at a conscious level i have Real Influence On My Part Of The World? so it feels ...good? whenever some1 really Acknowledges what i do, or whenever i make some1 really Feel something with what i do or say. nov 6 9:30pm: stupidly quiet life looking forward to winter ⇄ looking forward to summer [snip] jul 1 9pm: i went on a really long nighttime walk the other night (wee hours of 28th, some 12:30am to 4:00am), still thinking of the 2:30am hot dog and peppermint hot chocolate i got from the 24h gas station at the edge of town [snip]
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found on the ground

  • pencil
  • alcohol shopping list; meat shopping list
  • 3 regular shopping lists
  • rechargeable vape with some juice left; single-use vape
  • barely used sample of moschino toy 2 pearl
  • half-finished pack of potato chips
  • shattered-screen phone, and stray wireless earbuds case not much distance away (left those be)
  • left-atop-trash-can special: open pack of seaweed chips
  • fucked up lighter
  • 2 packets of sunflower oil for instant noodles
  • trash (the usual)
  • grass & other plants :-)

display names i've gone for in a particular place as of late

  • persistent deep soup creatrue | piping hot liquid sunshine
  • undrinkably hot juice dispenser | extra large sunflower oil
  • apples in tiny pond | bug constellation
  • rogue pintruder server enhancer | typo slop
  • entirely leafbare apple tree | quietly beautiful sunset
  • one-ear dog plush | food safety violation sauce
  • fond memory patchwork quilt | hot potato streaming service

some list of links

  • ~ since march 12 2021 altho bad-gatewaying for now (as of feb 2025)
  • ~ soundtrack of the very core of my being (i really mean it; at least in these days i.e. since early '22)