tentative @tentative
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Feeling: free
Feb 1st 2024
what I was afraid of happening the most
what I have been trying to avoid
I lost everything again
And yet I am okay
Once again I learn that the avoidance of
pain can be more painful than pain itself
I'm ready to start again
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what I really want right now
- 4/12: A good lemon cake recipe
- 4/13: To sleep before midnight
- 4/14: To be like the average person my age
- 4/15: To make deadlines & follow through
- 5/1: To make myself proud
- 5/2: To sleep before midnight
- 10/7: A TI-84 calculator
- 1/20: To fall asleep right now
- 2/6: Cheese pizza, pineapples, abe's mini chocolate chip muffins, heart rate under 65
- 3/14/22: To sleep for a long time
- 12/1/22: To feel things deeply again
- 9/21/23: To live in an uncluttered space, to live alone
- 1/17/24: being an infp is so tragic/beautiful. i want to change, but i should just accept it
- 1/28/24: to go home. i am overstimulated at his place — and i don't feel comfortable
- 5/11/24: to stop wanting him, please realize it's an illusion. he doesn't want you and you don't want him you want to escape yourself
- 6/25/24: to be honest, a woman of my word
- 2/1/25: a job