kyle @wgwz

i’ve been getting in touch with myself and the things that i enjoy. one of those things is learning physics. i’ve been thinking about the future of work. how do we find meaning in work? what else can we find meaning in? one thing that sucked about grad school was how fast-paced everything was taught. many years worth of knowledge crammed into a few months for every course. so it’s great to have free time now where i can study at my own pace, and set my own goals. i didn’t get to take general relativity courses in grad school, so i’ve been reading this book: emphasis on *at my own pace*, and that is great. at a few points in my “schooling” i got a taste of what it would be like to study freely. it feels great to be back in this mental space. i could get used to this. it’s been a while since i’ve had the time and energy for this. i’ve also been doing more reading in general. i’ve been diving into a bunch of leguin books. i’m working through kind of from the beginning at the moment. starting with the earthsea series. i’ll probably hope around after this. wanting to connect more with my friends in the cafe more. :-)
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