yhancik @yhancik
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◩◛▦ ■ ◳◰◫'▦ ▤■◫◪ ◰◫▲▦▯■◫▭
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▩▯▲ ▦◙◙▮ ▲◙◛◻ ◰◪▧■◳◲?
view the source
- teaching and working in an art centre
- probably having a nap
- i should be using the log for that but i'd rather keep the ascii art
soundtrack for swimming
- dreamfish https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_0nRcpdKw4
you come ashore
- dream on the sand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6xwQSX742s
they are now cooking you
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkLHpBqBwis
split personality
- https://octodon.social/@yhancik
- https://twitter.com/yhancik
- https://yhancik.tumblr.com/
- @W6gUhDCKoM+qnoY1bm3SYU7QlCyUhOIaDomcRHHYHVg=.ed25519
- procrastinate
- .
- ..
- ...
- ....
- (ooops)