bluespace @bluespace

1.6. Went out without my phone yesterday. Twice. Bought a watch at TK Max, original price 100 euros, I paid 24. And it's a very pretty watch, with silver gems arranged into a heart shape covered by smooth glass, with a golden frame, and more. When I started looking into purchasing a watch, and stumbled upon forums with people discussing their luxury watch collections, I thought collecting wristwatches is odd, but I think I get it now. Maybe not why someone would need a 20k watch, but why they would want to collect wristwatches. Watches are fascinating mechanisms. Regardless. Now I won't have to rely on my phone to keep track of the time. Not sure what revelations I expected from my phone-free strall. Everyone said: you will be bored. I wasn't bored. Maybe felt a bit less shame about not doing something - writing or listening to an audiobook or learning. Had less to monitor - with my phone I feel like I have to monitor both the online and the offline world, without my phone I only have to monitor the offline. 1.5. Overloaded with finance terms and new information. But that felt good, better than I would have thought it would feel. Training, on the other hand? Usually training makes me feel better, whatever my initial state before training was, but tonight I feel a bit lonely instead; more lonely than good. Some morons are talking in the otherwise quiet tram. I hope they will get out soon. 1.5. Fries and brain games. Not in a metaphorical way. I am just eating fries and playing a card game that people here call "brain game". 1.4. I miss her, it's way too prominent. I feel like she changed something in me, in a neutral way, but maybe it's an illusion. 1.3. I hate dating my life, arranging it in chronological order, all that. Diaries feel too deterministic. You must accept your past, every mistake you made, every bad letter. Big Internet has become worse than a diary though - what was supposed to be "read and rewrite" became "read, reread, write, and never truly rewrite". 1.2. I am walking through the revolving door that is way too light, I believe. so when people push it, it spins too fast and tries to knock the next person over. I wish she was here to professionally complain about the person who engineered this door. She is not, and I am not sure if she will ever be again. 1.1 I now have a blossoming light-pink lilies bouquet. I bought it when the lilies weren't yet blossoming, so it really feels like I g r e w them, even though I didn't really. Buying flowers as buds is fun: it's like a kinder surprise. Even thot you can usually see glimpses of colour through the flower buds, you are never certain until they blossom . I really need to do something about the backyard at my current place. It looks messy and unkept. Yesterday I was asked during my language class: what do I want to change about my living space? I am very bad when it comes to spatial thinking. I have good imagination, but I struggle to think in terms of space. I need to start doing it more. and improve something about the backyard. I was told I need to do a "dry garden. like the Japanese ones". I don't think that person understands how often it rains here and how un-dry a dry garden would get in this climate. But there are variations that can be done. Pebble instead of sand...
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