kim @kim

03.22.2025 finally, today, the magnolia tree in my neighbors backyard stands in full bloom. 02.10.2025 today felt #345e3a with #d6ff0a sparks 02.07.2025 hello from 'social in the media' at varia in Rotterdam. today felt #f0ea97
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books i read twice

  • the argonauts [maggie nelson]
  • the mushroom at the end of the world [anna tsing]
  • an apartment on uranus [paul b. preciado]
  • chelsea girls [eileen myles]
  • i am very into you [mckenzie wark, kathy acker: correspondences]


  • listening to my favorite music from when I was 15 and writing vanilla Javascript
  • receiving a computer poem on valentines day
  • learned a new shortcut and am excited every time I use it
  • reading mdn docs at night
  • solving sticky issues
  • writing code comments on the train
  • different language - same loops