Bob @bob

I have no idea what this is. But it's wonderful.
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Things the EDC crowd don't seem to carry

  • Lunch boxes
  • Fruit
  • A4 paper
  • Ovaries

Dear students,

  • As the teacher of this cours, I have power over you.
  • I don't like that, but I cannot change it.
  • What I *can* do is to hand over my most powerful tool of control: grading.
  • You get to decide on your own grade in this course.
  • Grades are bullshit anyway.
  • I'd rather have my course be pass/fail.
  • But I'm not allowed to do that.
  • I'm tempted to just give everyone an 8/10 if you pass.
  • But the grading system also has power over you and I cannot change that.
  • So I decided to just leave it up to you.
  • Not whether you pass, I decide that. But if you do the work, everyone passes.


  • There is a surprising amount of overlap/connection between here and
  • I've been low-key using for quite a while but only for myself. I didn't explore, browse, or follow.
  • I've only recently been diving into the small or indy web. Via which I found special fish.
  • This connection made me take a closer look at what people post/collect on
  • I get a very 'tumblr for grow-ups' vibe over there
  • I used to be on tumblr quite actively (well, actively following/reading in any case).
  • All this has got to mean something, I suppose?

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