cooper @cooper
March 12
Ongoing titles for ongoing projects!
-Monument to maintaining life via a continuous heartbeat
-Thoughts that slip under my head
-Proof of a thought I absolutely had
-A ticking clock in an empty room
-Clampers jumpy
-The self, the crickets chirping, the horns from the train tracks by the river
-Love survives death
-The sun knows it’s special to us
-The sun does not care about you!
-Turning grey in my hands
-Waiting is so easy, I can do it all day
-Waiting so long I forgot who I was
-The brother’s quiet worry
-An electron within me I felt do something strange
-A one-sided love’s very beginning
-The minor character’s day to shine
-The stars are looking down at you, even when you think you’re looking up at them
-When I begin to understand myself I no longer understand the world
-Lives lived close that never touch
-The universe written in cursive
-A great time for a good idea
-Demonstrating at will that I am capable of demonstrating something at will
-Heart skipping a beat near you
-So scared of rejection, wow
-silly promise of constant forward progress
-Too-young tree with pasted-on leaves
-Harking back to previous optimism
-Punctuating time with new heartbreaks
-New combinations of heartbreak and love
-So shy I crawled under my name
-Please pull yourself together, do it soon
-Oh god so tired of time
-Four stories about angry gods
-Decision to make light of the situation
-Portrait of Garrett occupied and getting happy
-Tangle of hair and stinky objects
-Bereavement Season
-Belated monument for you know who's tonsil removal
-Restored faith in spicy gossip
-Specifically silly statements make scared employees
-Marriage of two impassable forces
-immeasurable sadness meets immovable habit
-Collision of immeasurable loneliness with inspiring morning routine
-Reacting to the news within zone of acceptable emotion
-Reacting within limits of acceptable emotional outpour
-Acting within limits of acceptable frustrated behavior
-Eye contact that burns like looking into the sun
-Monument to the construction of agreeable behavior
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