jamie @jamie
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- 24/02 the invention of plaid
- 26/02 metallic blue packaging
- 27/02 forest floor mycelium people
- 01/03 a library, dirt, moss, a broken bridge, fixed a roof
- 02/03 puppies
dream pt. 3
- ...,,.
dream pt. 2
- 25/03 d running stall on beach, filling pie dishes with random items, making pies with magic
- 30/03 celebrating the end of the world like it was NYE, some kind of alien-sent machine burning holes in and dismantling the sky
- 27/04 war (again), multicoloured bruises that looked like flowers around someone's forehead, 'he will be very sensitive to honey now'
- 28/04 went to club 77, met a guy from wagga wagga
- 30/04 my left foot was a beehive
- 27/05 'crush' brand silver clamshell phone with 2G, we were going to use it to 'crush the internet'