docsweeny @docsweeny

dos twenty-one 2025 doing better. working hard. trying to create. not very successful but staying determined. 32 days into my own 75 hard challenge and i've failed every day. yet i am undeterred. every day is a new chance. like that scene in bojack horseman. "It gets easier. Every day it gets a little easier. But you got to do it every day. That's the hard part. But it does get easier". onto day 33. ----------------------- one 13 twenty25 oh man we in a slump. this shit is not good. been sitting way to much. starting to see and feel the effects. need to cut the simple bullshit out of my life. need to say fuck it and jump with 2 feet in, no life jacket. the waters might be fucked, but i know how to swim. ----------------------- 12 9teen 20+24 damn im broke asl atm. christmas time but where the hell is the snow at? global warming is fucking this shit up. got to get off these starting blocks somehow, someway. absolutely itching to make something and put out in the world. new year, new opportunities. 2025 goals: job, 6pack, money, apps, fun, tattoo, danger. ----------------------- e1even 5teen twozerotwofour been a fat minute since i've written a post on here. had some ups. had some downs. feels like there's been more downs then ups lately. another winter is upon us. another chance to finish off the year strong. another chance to build things for the future. eager but still to complacent. still need to get that hair cut lol. everything, in time. ----------------------- cinco 9ine veinteveinte4 11:18 pm est. just gunned it doing 60 in a 35, windows down, slightly tipsy, listening to the great gig in the sky on my college graduation night. Momma I made it. also, where's the confetti? - jev. ----------------------- 2+2 twenty4 2thousandandtwenty4 so fucking close atm. 2 weeks and i'm out this bitch. 1/4 final projects done. will be 2/4 by the end of the week. need to find some dress shoes for my graduation and get a hair cut. ----------------------- cuatro 12 24 feeling a bit lonely at the moment. wishing i could spend sometime with someone. still looking for ya... cant wait to meet you. ----------------------- for se7en 2024 this vampire weekend album really the only thing holding me together atm. going hard in the paint for the next 3 weeks. lets get this shmoney. ----------------------- 4 tree 20twentyfour stumbled across this site a while ago. thought it was pretty cool. forgot the name of it. searched high and low to find it. finally found it. now we're here. call me doc, g, or murky
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