yone @houses

thursday 3.27.25 i haven't been here in a long time, probably because this website directly inspired me to learn how to make my own website featuring personal lists [and now, more than lists]. i still love the social nature of this site, and hope to return more frequently. the writing room idea is Fantastic :-). feel free to visit my site: https://yone.house if you do, please add to the visitor feelings archive--it's been bringing me a lot of joy. i am writing this from the south philadelphia IKEA cafeteria. i've been coming here to work because they have free coffee and lots of natural light. but sadly, no longer a rotting ship: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS_United_States#Layup_in_Philadelphia_(1996%E2%80%932025) today i want to learn how to build this: https://www.pantone.com/products/devices/pantone-light-booth ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ monday, 5.13.24 in pdf and digital resource sharing mode in a very intense way rn. i sent a pdf via tinder message yesterday (https://transreads.org/we-want-it-all-an-anthology-of-radical-trans-poetics/). if you want a pdf or cool website rec hit me up via links in list, i am ravenous. also i am so open to receiving, always. here's another one for the road: https://archive.emilydickinson.org/correspondence/higginson/thletdex.html also in job hunting and also housing hunting mode which are way more awful modes. feels like i am talking into the void here but if anyone knows of any digital accessibility or building stuff jobs in philly or remote that are like for a good cause let me know please dear god ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ friday, 4.12.24 someone told me last night that we are all "colonized" by staphylococcus and clostridioides difficile (C. Diff) bacteria at all times and it's just an imbalance that causes the bad stuff. dead baby bird season is starting in Philly, and i've seen 4 so far (3 in the same general area on 13th). a friend asked me why i am so interested in them and i think it's just bc it's a very powerful empathetic and aesthetic experience to see them in their rly tragic poses. taking pics. just strained out some homemade jiuniang but it's smelling and tasting a bit vinegary. tried to let it go a day or two longer at 90 degrees to make it more wine-y but i think it went past that. oops! wonder if i can use it for cooking though--it smells great. letting rice ferment for that long with just qu always kinda freaks me out though. also made some successful adzuki natto and some failed very sour adzuki tempeh in the past week. this morning i found a public fb group for graduates of the old catholic elementary school on 12th and Reed that is now a fancy apt building that my friend lives in [was originally a public school from ~1910 to ~1942?]. watched the eclipse from its roof. lots of SCARY pics of nuns. and one nice pic of a flute class from when it was public. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ created friday, 3.29.24; N+7 of below description of iPhone lady [using http://www.spoonbill.org/n+7 with large dictionary]: "in frost of this mandible (facing me): a shrewd-looking woodcutter in a raisin jailbreak that has little do-gooders all over it. underneath the jailbreak she has a thickly striped royal bluff and white quasar zoom. she has on very cistern, very thick-rimmed totem glimmers. she is utilizing an extravaganza chalk to hold her brilliantly red reusable shorty bakery, despite the clear dearth of chalks in this cal (i have been watching perch uncomfortably sibling around looking for secrets.) with her headlamp cocked backfire, moviegoer slightly open, iphone x at armholes lesion, she is making very deliberate climbers with her rim indisposition fir. i door't think this is a great desk but you certainly know what i mean." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ monday, 4.1.24; someone told me they don't read fiction "because why are you [the book] talking to me that way." which makes sense to me. good point. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tuesday, 4.2.24; for my first writing on here i will choose an excerpt from an email i wrote to a dear friend many years ago. it is a description of the happenings inside the Rittenhouse Square Barnes & Noble cafe [r.i.p.] on saturday, dec. 15, 2018 at ~4pm: ...archived at yone.house/lists, but here's the map: +----------------------------------+ | | bookstore [r.i.p.] | +-----+ x [beats | | x [crinkly | | queers]| bookstore [r.i.p.] | grandpa] | | | | ++ +---------+ | | x [dusty bag | x[pastel | | outside | guy] | man | | [approx. bookstore [r.i.p] [raining]| +-+ original] +----+--- singing | x [iphone lady +----+ | boy path] | & final pastel man] | +-----+--- | +-----------+ | | | x [me!] +------------------+ | bookstore [r.i.p.] | | +----------------------------------+ | | bookstore [r.i.p.] | cafe bar [contracted starbucks kind] +----------------------------------+
view the source

personal links

  • website: https://yone.house
  • email: yone@yone.house
  • insta + spotify: penta_yone
  • glitch: https://glitch.com/@yone_house

"contraption" from notes app (?)

  • make wires at least 12" long
  • missing one board
  • missing cards
  • took:
  • - 2 batts
  • - 1 headphone
  • - 5 boards
  • - 1 pack of 2 DC cables
  • - 2 splitters
  • - the coating

number of photos in google photos albums

  • street fruit: 265
  • birds :-( : 50
  • kochiyama archive flyer highlights: 43
  • George: 9
  • banana: 38
  • outside of therapy: 7
  • mattress factory & pittsburgh walk '19: 80
  • accidental firsts: 13

my favorite jobs Agnes Martin has worked:

  • 1. as a play ground Director
  • 4. on a farm--milking
  • 5. three times at the wheat harvest
  • 6. managed cherry pickers
  • 8. taught three years in country schools
  • 10. in a factory
  • 11. in a hamberger stand
  • 13 in a butcher shop
  • http://www.guggenheim.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/checklist-agnesmartin-ephemera-jobs-detail.jpg

darkroom notes [all second from left enlarger with the current bulb]

  • obaba living room: 0C 50M 50Y; 19secs; f11
  • most computer prints: 0C 50M 50Y; 33secs; f11
  • manzanar plate: 0C 50M 50Y; 25secs; f11
  • easter dinner: 0C 45M 40Y; 13secs; f11; high contrast developer
  • poston press building: 0C 62M 67Y; 24secs; f8
  • home search [darker one]: 0C 50M 38Y; 15secs; f11
  • ^same for family tree
  • mentaiko: 0C 50M 50Y; ~15secs [pale]; f11
  • obaba's lamp: 0C 70M 70Y; ~20secs; f11
  • kyoto menu [food]: 0C 50M 35Y; 16secs; f16

whoa links

  • WFMU Random Songs Generator: https://wfmu.org/randomsongs.php
  • USDA watercolors of persimmons: https://search.nal.usda.gov/discovery/collectionDiscovery?vid=01NAL_INST:MAIN&collectionId=81279629860007426&query=any,contains,Diospyros
  • Crazy natto situation: https://thejapanstore.us/barley-koji/how-to-make-moromi-natto/
  • Origami bookbinding technique: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMUT-IVnUuo
  • Super Strength flavor oils [i have banana cream & eggnog]: https://lorannoils.com/products/shop/flavors/super-strength-flavors-food-grade-essential-oils
  • WRA image I write about a lot: https://catalog.archives.gov/id/538454
  • Carpentry tools stolen: https://catalog.archives.gov/id/48559351?objectPage=2
  • Bonkers barrack situation: https://catalog.archives.gov/id/536360
  • Internet Speculative Fiction Database: http://www.isfdb.org/
  • Archival epilepsy material [and entire archive]: https://wellcomecollection.org/search/images?query=epilepsy

ergodic literature i know already [if i understand Espen J Aarseth correctly; not sure i do]

  • that one "life" app game that i used to get ads and tiktoks for all the time. i wonder where that went. never played it--even from the happy ads it seemed very morbid.
  • "Building Stories" by Chris Ware; maybe why i like ergodic lit but don't like this academized writing about it, because the book is so accessible; there's apparently a lot of scholarly work about Building Stories.
  • "Norman vs. America" comic by Charles Platt. [https://archive.org/details/quark40000edsa p.65]. i got the happy ending my first try which was kind of disappointing. it was also a gross definition of "happy."
  • www.isfdb.org is awesome. not where i found that comic but it helped me track it down online.
  • that one Borges story about the encyclopedia i can't remember the title of
  • made this: https://yone.house/ergodic_morrison
  • definitely when i have a seizure + aura
  • https://monoskop.org/images/e/e0/Aarseth_Espen_J_Cybertext_Perspectives_on_Ergodic_Literature.pdf

thoughts about this

  • i wish i could title links for accessibility purposes
  • who knows how long i can sustain this
  • i like this website it’s lightly public enough that i feel like i’m writing to someone, which always helps with my writing. and i got such a good username. it's gently public. who is reading this. let me know.
  • i am so happy about my username lol
  • love the colors
  • it's fun that my writing may be erased unexpectedly if it's too long
  • a friend asked me "are you nostalgic for 2004 or something" and i answered "i don't think so"