:) @eugh
im eugh
i like technology and art and any combination of the two like cyberpunk
i also like music anime and games too
my favourite pastime is sleeping
im lonely
today i got a blue heart sticker
view the source
- Abandoned Pools [alternative rock]
- My Bloody Valentine [shoegaze]
- Haircuts For Men [vapourwave]
- Mass of the Fermenting Drugs [jap alternative rock]
- Nujabes [hip-hop, jazz, etc]
- Aphasia [taiwanese post rock band]
book and manga
- Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
- House of Leaves
- Inspiring Creative Web Design: Past, Present, Future
- Watchmen (Comic)
- Berserk (Manga)
- Vagabond (Manga)
cool websites or videos
- https://laingame.net/
- https://www.w3schools.com/default.asp
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqrrxZeeFSNCjGmD-33SKMw/videos
- https://youtu.be/ykEj_TIg1NE?t=321
- http://the-eye.eu/
- https://crossniqplus.bandcamp.com/releases
cool movies
- Blade Runner
- Blade Runner 2049
- Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse
- Call Me by Your Name
- Neon Genesis Evangelion - The End of Evangelion
- Perfect Blue