ffff @ffff
What was all that?
A dream, to wake from?
Wisteria, in bloom?
view the source
End-of-month routine
- Wrap up last month's journal:
- - Respond to "What happened?"
- - List "Unexpected" and "Responses"
- Set up next month's journal:
- - Table view
- - Calendar view
- - Future view (next six months)
- - Plan / What happened page
- - Create "Plan" for next month:
- -- An ordered list of projects, with a few key 'shippables' underneath each one
- -- List Life Memories
- Monthly finances (see: Monthly Finances routine)
End-of-week routine
- Cross off progress on projects in monthly view.
- Refer to ordered list of projects in "What will happen?"
- - Set up each day's page
- - Pencil scheduled events in
- Lay out next week:
- Create "weekly list" around projects from "What will happen?":
- - Number list with # week of life (e.g., 1701).
- - For each project, pick two tasks max; one level of implementation detail is OK
- - Assign projects roughly to days by penciling in day name (e.g., "M," "Tu") next to project name
Wake-up routine
- 15 minute mindfulness meditation (ok to do a bad job)
- Posture stretches - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqcOCBb4arc
- Journal - write dreams; tarot draw
Wrap-up routine
- Check in with Weekly List and update as necessary
- Set up next day's page in journal and 'work out the day'
- Reflect on daily tarot draw, underlining words that remind me of how the card speaks to events from the day
- Body scan
Monthly Finances routine
- Gather and categorize all expenses
- Write down balance of every account
- Update business ledger
- Spend time with the spreadsheets. Make observations.
Bit of fun
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wow!_signal
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patagonian_Welsh
- http://www.arngren.net/hoverpod.html
- https://www.sysselmannen.no/en/
- https://kozmicdreams.com/spidercare.htm