fien @fien
19/12/20 drinking tea out of my dad's new mug that heats your drink. making christmas cookies for the neighbourhood.
7/6/20 preparing for my viva. eek! I'm not good at structuring my answers. need to practice more. so little time
11/5/20 first ever sourdough in the oven. oh man. i'm so excited. fingers crossed. looks like she's risen a fair bit.
10/5/20 pizza dough doing its bulk ferment; first sourdough loaf is high hydration and difficult to work with but i am persevering!
5/5/20 I took my first citalopram last night. tired of feeling so hopeless and listless. life isn't supposed to feel so difficult
19/4/20 drinking tea in the sofa. rosacea flaring up, my face is super warm argh!! finished a book today, listening to the crickets chirping
18/4/20 made my parents asparagus soup for dinner. listened to bach cantatas sung by andreas scholl during, was heaven. waiting for some roast peppers to cool so i can marinade them for salad tomorrow
12/4/20 hello
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should read
- the aleph
- philip larkin's poems
- hotel world
- decameron
- book about self-identity following brain injury
want to bake
- a good sourdough loaf
- the perfect regular shabbat challot
- chocolate guinness cake
- sephardic spiced round challah
- cacoa nib and cardamom biscotti