Leah @funnyweirdo

September 22 2020: I am procrastinating!!!! ----------- July 3 2020: Was just late to an interview because I'm in a different timezone and mixed things up. Feels like a time travelers dilemma. ♥ ---------- July 2 2020: Found this place and made a few lists. It's noon but I haven't eaten yet and I'm feeling hungry. I have to work on a deck and it's annoying... one of those days. Spoke with someone I admire very much before starting the annoying part of my day. It was an incredible conversation. Sometimes I think I talk too much or that I treat conversations like interviews. I like treating conversations like interviews... but I'd like to learn to talk less and listen more.
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Online Self

  • @fun.weirdo
  • leahmaldonado.com
  • glyphworld.online
  • https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/13iVi52jSJfMO3dhmlOADNNxuYeEwuQxtdOg1uwYg4ls/edit#slide=id.g84ca44752f_0_211
  • https://www.are.na/leah-maldonado
  • hi@Leahmaldo.com

Offline Self

  • 3615 NE 43rd. Ave Portland, OR 97213
  • Chapman Elementary>Da Vinci Middle>Cleveland High>PSU
  • Fresh Pot on Hawthorne (now closed)
  • Powell's (now closed)
  • 14 bus (scared to ride it)
  • 7511 SE Ramona St. Portland, OR 97206 (parent's)

Backyard Visitors

  • Hummingbird (haven't seen it in a few days)
  • 2 blue jays
  • orange cat
  • lots of bees
  • lots of spiders
  • Crows
  • Asha via trampoline (neighbor's daughter)

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