
i decide to start clean on again how i love to write on this website for the cleanliness and the font in particular. in physical existence i'm, my personality is quite vibrant. generous. kind and funny i hope. funny. i'm exhausted. so exhausting. so many screenshots. judge them as stupid stupid and rage, didn't make the anger constructive incredibly dissatisfied. so so soulless screenshots whatever my opinion like what's the point in having it all when i die. i need to take care of it right away, this is the lesson of my depressions is i can't leave behind a mess, i need to be righteous like upstanding citizen like kanye's mom (when you read her wikipedia and understand her legacy) thy legacy must not be of a digital hoarder too consumed by their own age i don't know if i want my friend to publish my writing anymore. it's embarrassingly generational which is good because it will speak to my peers in a very funny way every day feels so long on my camera roll each day gets a hundred photos, screenshots, videos, time, time is stretched to ages on the infinite digital frustrating and incorrect. digital posture check s oexhausting so exhausting to keep up the stuff i post online no stop watching now stop now . when i stopped the art got so good the ego didn't have a place to seek recognition anymore maybe it was just pure soul depression and desire to lay in bed all day feeding my mind, fine maybe i was still taking adderall or whatever i forgot the art was really really good i hate recreational drug culture i hate it and if i have to end on a positive note it's this, that i hope we all die someday clean i feel so sick so sick of everybody's life and ego and life and ego and life and ego shut up shut up and shut up , how do you make rage constructive, how do you scream into an empty screen, rage on the piece of paper, it looks good, shut up shut up shut up shut up, wow that's appalling, angry poem ew i dont want to read that i only want sweet stuff. i'll get personality diabetes. ew ew ew. in all sincerity though. i have so much love bursting with it even. she just needs to be spoken about in the third person for true objectivity in a subjective point of view. and her writing will be published, probably, and if not it's fine because it's been read by enough people (4) already. he thinks her mind is too much. wishes she would shut up shut up shut up. covers her mouth with his hands. and still she sounds. blah blah blah he wishes she could be quiet like him. shameful shame he gives her a headache he misses her too love