inckeeper @inckeeper
here to feel young again.
love for all hatred for none.
i am obsessed with the song of the summer 'espresso', particularly the line from sabrina carpenter 'i'm working late, cause i'm a singer'. it's so stupid it's genius. as is the whole song. also i want to know how much the mountain dew placement cost.
reading and contemplating spiritual poverty and precarity with some peers this morning. dorothy day. wrapping our mind around the radical position of being dependent. being in need, by choice. it rubs us the wrong way so deeply, the protestant need for self sufficiency, maybe a seed planted by empire and industry. maybe truth?
the anger of the haves at someone voluntarily becoming a have-not. we feel in our guts it only works if you cleave yourself from desire as a monk - then we will pay for your suffering. but if you just take on need (by maybe being generous yourself) we reject you. how dare you! don’t you know how hard we worked? this is ours!
but is it? is it not from god? everything you have will be taken back when we reunite with the creator.
of course one of us reminds the group that this precarious life is not necessarily asking for handouts. it might simply be doing without. just giving and not taking back again. not consooming? unimaginable.
unprocessed thoughts, but now i go off to find a birthday gift for my mother. hehe.
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current fixations
- running
- spiritual renunciation of material goods
- mutual aid
- roleplaying games and roleplaying theory
- detoxifying the digital experience