Run/Runa ⁑ @runamoto
"Hey, I’m here to pick up a book"
I hand the person at the counter my student ID. She glances at it and scans it.
“Were you a student monitor here?” she smiles; a straight haired red head over the library counter.
I respond attentively, I love reminiscing my short-lived library custodian position that I got during my first year attending OCAD.
“Yea I was! :)” I reply, with probably an embarrassingly large grin on my face
She responds with an immediacy: “I still find the “OM” initials in books sometimes when I'm going through them”
some context: At the library, you would have to mark a piece of scrap paper with your initials if you were placing books back into the shelves...I don't exactly know for what purpose they asked us to do this, but it was an easy enough task.
I stand there in utter glee, a strange resonance casts over me as I realize her acknowledgement over what I thought was an ephemeral gesture that would probably never be traced back to me, but here it was, a transient one instead.
She walks over to the shelf to pick up my book: World Weary Woman by Cara Baker; it was a book I had found in my favourite cafe but my friend Hala had gotten to it first so she was currently reading it, but I couldn’t wait til she was done to borrow it, so I requested it and they posted it all the way from Carleton University. I love libraries and I love kind humans.
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