𓀡K𓃗R𓅒I𓆞L𓆤L𓏎 @krill
I am just Krilling and jamming!!!!!!!!
Kriline Krillsona ACTIVATED!!!! I made a blogspot blog and she is glorious! Check her out.
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About me
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- krillingandjamming@gmail.com
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- 20 ❂ 08/04 ♌︎
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- Studying Art History and Anthropology
- Hobbies: Drawing, crafting, journaling, collecting, finding things on the street
- @atticgoose on insta for my art!!
- ✮✮✮✮✮
- https://krillingandjamming.blogspot.com/
- That's my silly little extremely under construction site, don't mind the colors and pretend I didn't go to art school
Sites I want to remember!!!!!!
- https://hel-looks.com/archive/#20240120_08
- https://vangoghletters.org/vg/
- https://tadoku.org/japanese/en/
- https://artblart.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/jindr%CC%8Cich-s%CC%8Ctreit-arnoltice-1985-web.jpg
- https://tilde.town/~kc/snow/
- https://99gifshop.neocities.org/
- https://ita.toys/
- https://www.textstudio.com/logo/bubble-style-3d-text-155
- https://www.susanbuckmorss.info/
- https://www.barbra-archives.info/
- https://www.jstor.org/site/artstor/GraphicDesignCollectionTheCooperUnionfortheAdvancementofScienceandArt-100142227/?so=item_title_str_asc&searchkey=1737687417632&pagemark=eyJwYWdlIjo1LCJzdGFydCI6MTAwLCJ0b3RhbCI6MTM1Mn0%253D