naveen @naveen
[Thu] Jun 04, 2020
- Posting after a week. Staying on track is incredibly difficult.
[Thu] May 28, 2020
- First post. Special fish seems like a neat little idea executed with love.
Not getting on the pro tier yet, will give it a good whirl for a few more days and then decide.
- Really struggling with attention and staying consistent with habits. I resolve to start meditating, starting today.
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Books - tbr
- "A natural approach to mental wellness", Gregg Krech
- "Oathbringer", Brandon Sanderson
- "Off the Clock", Laura Vanderkam
- "Sum: tales from the afterlife", David Eagleman
- "What was Liberalism?", James Traub
- "Think Again: how to reason and argue", Walter Sinott-Armstrong
- "Black Wave", Kim Ghattas
- "East of Eden", John Steinbeck
- "Make peace with your mind", Mark Coleman
- "Letters from a Stoic", Seneca