plantfood @plantfood

рждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждржд email me!: рждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждрждржд i have found that special fish is not my digital salvation i have found some spare tires to get me moving, although to who knows where i have found a moment of silence that exists between, every other possible sound, when phases cancel or i stop paying attention. i have found a new fear, of leaving things behind, born from an old fear, of letting things pass me by. i have found that repetition of sentence fragments reminds me too much of a poem that i might read in high school English class. i have found that there are infinite internal recursions, each leading me one more layer of reality away from where i want to go. i have found that my desire for absolute immediacy and my expectation for excellence, neutralize, leaving mediocrity, for now.
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