snoopy @snoopy

O_ __)( ,' `. (_".`. : : /|` | | ((|_ ,-. ; - /: ,' `:(( -\ / -' `: ____ \\\-: _\__ ____|___ \____|_ ; |:| '-` : :_____|:|__________________: ; |:| : : |:| : ;______ `'___________________: : : |______________________________| `---.--------------------.---' |____________________| | | |____________________| | | _\|_\|_\/(__\__)\__\//_|(_ o( ❛ᴗ❛ )o wat movies i'm watching apr 1: call sebastian, play minecraft. apr 2: play minecraft, call dan. wow... haven't done much else of anything. watched white heat from 1949. very good apr 3: feeling discontent. feeling anger toward the academy—but isn't that also anger toward everything. looking at artist trevor shimizu; really like this work... not sure why. apr 4: my favorite alice neel painting, "107 and broadyway": apr 7: my first video class. crazy... apr 8: sounds corny.. but alex g helping me feel better about things. both an identification in him, but also a feeling like making and thinking is important and good. and that it all doesn't have to feel so particular... try to live beyond... apr 9: took not so good class, and then really good class. apr 11: cooked some noodles and pork apr 17: call c, watched a movie about nancy holt sun tunnels. may 12: sprain wrist... it hurts
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  • birds in blue sky
  • bike and sun
  • ants gathering
  • sand scatter
  • ice melt
  • steel oscillate

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