percy @wish-wish

1/16/25 gonna be managing a cafe out here in day-twah. 4/17/24 been teaching a poetry workshop and it's going really well 3/15/24 sad 1/17/24 gonna be on tv tmrw 12/23/23 4 drinks, 2 cigs, headed home soon 9/26/23 Did my morning pages today, trying to write again. 9/22/23 It's early, I have a pot of coffee brewing, and I am distracted. There is so much and so little that I want to say. I am reading Nabakov right now and I don't really know what motivated him to write - that's a lie actually. He said very explicitly that if he didn't lose his home country, perhaps he would not have written at all. 3/13/23 got a cushy lil ice cream job where i can fuck around on the internet when it's slow. currently it's snowing so not a lot of customers. hackertime. 11/9/22 repairing self after break up from long term relationship. sad and lethargic most days. trying to apply for jobs, but some days i just sleep until hunger drives me out of bed. 10/4/22 i put a whole entry in here yesterday and maybe i didn't save it properly. 11/29/21 wisdom teeth out. i am a little bit bored and sore. 11/26/21 getting my wisdom teeth out on monday. already had 2 out, getting the other two out. currently high and trying to be productive amidst cascading systemic failure. so i bought $700 worth of clothes and called it a day.
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current interests

  • data visualisations
  • cooking
  • cannabis
  • russian authors

things on my desk

  • 6" bong
  • jam jar of joint ashes
  • notebook
  • delta of venus, by anais nin

favorite movies

  • hotel artemis
  • interstellar
  • bullet train
  • paterson
  • chef

favorite places in detroit

  • temple bar
  • ye olde taproom
  • shangri-la
  • lennys bar

my internet life


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