just saw that time traveler or whatever
guidance stanchion for crowd control
3/26/23 my twitter account got hacked and support isn't helpful. they just send links to the same webform over and over. i wasn't using it very much but i've had that account for a long time. i was talking to travis about this yesterday.
4/20/20 had an awful night and then a rotten morning. felt so sad and out of control then went to work. looked at an apartment after work but it was horrible. r came home from her date and it's okay. sad/scary time period.
9/05/21 hanging out with white cat and black dog with cat ears. thinking about different life options.
12/28/20 been spending many hours stuffing envelopes and boxes with a product that people enjoy. 85%
11/25/20 have been eating too many mints that make my mouth water. going to pick up a pie later. found my watch and started wearing it and it no longer seems oppressive.
11/10/20 just saw some different animals, including a red panda irl.
10/26/20 smoothed out a hat and then crunched it up without thinking.
10/04/20 i just got back. i just got back now i'm back.
9/10/20 |x| used a pilot razor point (red), bic ballpoint (red, blue, black, green), fanco quality memo book. learned about some different things. flossed part of my mouth. that's all.
9/11/20 |x| |x|
fake food
- m&ms - spilled
- chicken drumstick
- drink - spilled
- big fridge turkey (really strong plastic smell)
- 101 silly summertime jokes
- 101 school cafeteria jokes
- 101 vacation jokes
- 101 nature jokes
- 101 pet jokes
- gimme a break
- the facts of life
- ghostwriter
- spinning washing machine
- sleeping cats
- spirring liquid
- rescued baby seal
- ibs treatment review
- watch
- water
- mirror (i guess)
- face
- metal
- glass
- plastic