drsuproutrags @drsuproutrags
i love writing and talking about myself so here i am
currently stressing over school and trying to finish the book House of Leaves
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Some of my Favourite Bands/Artists
- Supertramp
- The Beatles
- Madonna
- Depeche mode
- Duran Duran
- Billy Idol
- David Bowie
- Motley Crue
- Fleetwood Mac
- Foreigner
- The Clash
- Radiohead
Fav shows
- How I met your mother
- Stranger Things
- Glee
- Gravity Falls
- Desperate Housewives
- The Good place
- Modern Family
- Prison Break
- The Office
- B99
- Derry Girls
- Big Mouth
Things i need to remember that are awesome
- The youtube channel Nobody
- a bright future and writing involved
- gina linetti
- barney stinson
- double slit expirement
- args
- weird al
- websistes
- music and playlists
- being in bed at 10 PM
- the 80s
- my friends