lee @eels

2025-03-17 I tend to write here about every couple months. It's an ambient blog! A college student wrote to me saying he was about to start school and had found this blog and enjoyed reading it and wanted to reach out. That's very sweet. It's probably not great advice to freely give advice when someone hasn't asked but I told him > There's a lot of paths in life. Be open and enjoy yourself! I wrote that because my undergrad I just took classes that interested me. I wasn't interested in a career (even as I was nervous about making money). I found I liked classes on a history of activism, global politics, philosophy, art, music, sociology. I took them all. I was almost a music major but I couldn't wake up at 8am 3 days a week (required for one of the required courses) and I loved my Sociology classes so declared that major instead. The world feels more precarious now but reaching out via email aka "putting one's self out there" is a wonderful thing to do. I tried reaching out to lots of different people when I was struggling after my undergrad experience. Only a few wrote back, but they were so meaningful to me and encouraged me to keep on. I had lots of jobs: working at a pizza place, working on a book for artists about galleries in the city, construction work, and working as an exhibition assistant at an art museum. At some point I wanted to make games and started doing that and loving learning how to make games. I pored through Anna Anthropy's Rise of the Videogame Zinesters. I was so motivated by DIY culture, which I don't think means the same thing as it meant back then. I was involved in punk/DIY artist run spaces (I still am), and they meant the world to me. Doing things with other people (particularly art, music, food, games) has been the most important thing in my life. Staying creative making things in community and sharing them is my own definition of a life well lived. It's obviously hard to do that if you're struggling to feed yourself and I had some times throughout my life where that was true. Again, reaching out to friends and spending time together was so crucial to get me through those stretches. Be kind and find your friends making creative life choices and support each other and connect to people older and younger than yourself! Good luck! Reach out anytime. FYI I am a millenial if you're trying to figure out how old I am :) 2025-02-02 It’s the day of the first special.fish writing room as I write this, so other folks are working on writing little things too. Last night I worked on prepping a zine/chapbooks of procedurally generated visual poems. I wrote software in November that lays out visual poems in the pattern of a randomly selected quilt. First I had to “encode” lots of informal quilt patterns. I made it output a few hundred then selected some favorites that I’ll try riso printing later this week. Invite Detail Bullseye Quilt speedily invite invite detail detail invite invite fast invite speedily invite detail detail invite fast invite invite invite speedily detail detail fast invite invite bomb bomb bomb speedily fast bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb fast speedily bomb bomb bomb invite invite fast detail detail speedily invite invite invite fast invite detail detail invite speedily invite fast invite invite detail detail invite invite speedily 2024-12-23 I'm cold, sitting under a blanket at home, drinking tea. The past week since school ended for the semester I've been hammering out a ton of progress on many art projects. I also built a few custom software tools. It's a highly productive moment and I'm having a lot of fun. I completed a website builder for classes and blogs, an experimental video maker that uses photo input and builds grids in the pattern of traditional quilting, and am in-progress on a few games. I also built a website for student computational artwork. It's all linked from my website, and there are write-ups on my blog. I have a researcher appointment set for the New York Public Library later this week to gain access to some resources that I hope will inform an experimental artwork I'm working. I'm being vague on it now, but all will be revealed in due time. 2024-10-13 It's firmly fall. I usually start to feel a bit off in autumn as days grow shorter and colder, but so far so good. I'm enjoying the classes I'm teaching this semester, as well as the students I'm working with. I've been reading lots of books on my Kobo, and giving and getting some good reads from a particular Little Free Library in my neighborhood. This weekend I went bikepacking up to Fahnestock state park, and in a couple weeks is nutmeg noreaster. A bunch of friends are going to go. I'm working on some fun games in Pico-8 while I teach it in Programming Games. 2024-08-26 I spent time camping with friends from Flux Factory, and attending some music festivals (Woodstockhausen and Aestival). I did a lot of mountain biking in pennsylvania when i visited my parents, on an old early 90s Diamondback 26" that I keep there. Then I spent a few weeks in Mass, first in the berkshires with D & L, then making my way over to Boston for a week with Y & M. We visited Walden Pond, Land's Sake farm, and environs, and did this amazing group party games thing, Level 99. Back in NYC I've been biking a lot solo, with friends, and with Social Cycling. I have also been riding to brighton beach a lot, with friends or on my own. No trip to brighton beach is complete without a visit to tashkent market! Like the last 4 yrs in this neighborhood, I spend a few days a week reading or biking around prospect park too. Great picnic for keng last week, next to the boathouse. As the weather begins to change, i'm starting prepping for a new semester of classes. 2024-07-05 Mid-summer. Back in NYC. Went to Berlin and travelled with Y and M. It was the Project Space Festival so I went to a dozen artist-run spaces and performances. Also got to meet up with Dante, kokerama (sp?), my old roommate mike (ran into him on the subway), and jayrope. Last night we went to berghain. . back in nyc, it's hot and oppressive. birthday bike ride to the beach was fun. working out of flux on gov island this month. 2024-05-23 School finished up last week with commencement. I also performed in a concert at a gallery in Chelsea, with Patrick. It's really nice to play with him. We have a good freeflowing improv style together. We're going to play one more show together this week before he heads back to Vienna next week. Last week I worked on a game (an old text resource management sim in the style of The Oregon Trail, just in text mind you). I presented it at WordHack. This week I worked a bit on my robot programming roguelike game (working title: Prog-like), and another game for a friend, something small. I was supposed to visit my parents but I got sick and my dad was sick. Maybe I caught something at commencement or at one of the parties or art openings over the weekend. Oh yeah, I should mention my work Pennslytucky opened in the Flux 30th anniversary exhibition that opened Saturday at Governor's Island. I made plans to travel to Berlin in June in a few weeks. I'm looking forward to it. Beyond that, I'm biking, working on some art projects, making things in Love2d and Pico-8, working on music, and waiting to hear on some grants and proposals I submitted to things.
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Websites that don't suck / Lately links

  • https://damaged.bleu255.com/
  • https://infrastructures.us/
  • https://dantescanline.com/
  • http://criticalartware.net/was/
  • http://aaaan.net/
  • https://radicalsoftware.org/e/index.html
  • https://loriemerson.net/2024/09/21/the-history-of-microbroadcasting-and-how-you-can-too/
  • https://emreed.net/
  • https://www.kickscondor.com/foundations-of-a-tiny-directory
  • https://gossipsweb.net/
  • https://el.media.mit.edu/logo-foundation/resources/nlx/index.html

Recently completed art and software projects (as of January 2025)

  • https://randomwalk.club - Computational art, by my students, issue 1
  • https://leetusman.com/projects/quilt-poems/ - Quilt Poems, for NaNoGenMo
  • https://leetusman.com/nosebook/panblog-demo-out - Panblog, static site generator
  • https://tildegit.org/exquisitecorp/quilt-photo-grids - Untitled Quilt Project (Need a title! Still in progress)
  • https://youtu.be/s4I0x5bUnsg?si=qCTD71F2SXFDDVB- - Video of Untitled Quilt Project (screengrab)
  • https://leetusman.com - I rebuilt my website this fall. It's simple but easily extensible.

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