24.9.4 00:35 ♦ I created a channel on Arena to save words that I find interesting, or that I didn't know, from the book I'm currently reading, Arroyo by Susana Pampín. Along with the word, I save its meaning according to the dictionary.
‘Palafito’ and ‘molicie’ are my favorites so far.
24.9.4 00:24 ♦ Just found @sanch ‘s meditative website, beautifuly made by them. Lovely colors and useful breathing excercises.
Also randomly clicked on @maddy ‘s journal here on the fish. I found his way of narrating interesting, direct and fun.
24.9.1 01:39 ♦ I stayed home this rainy weekend to get some proper rest. I would've loved to have someone invite me to hang out anyway.
24.8.3 20:22 ♦ Drinking an Antares IPA, writing my journal, the paper one and this. Later we're hanging out with Gabi, maybe going to a party or just walking the city.
Don't wanna get to sleep too late thou. Tomorrow I'm going to my parents' so I rather not sleep after 4 in the morning.
24.7.24 14:21 ♦ Me pregunto si alguien acá en este pes especial escribe en español.
Hagamos una juntada en una plaza o un bar, la juntada de los peces especiales.
24.7.24 13:48 ♦ I have a sound like a 'piiiiiiih' in my ears. When everything is silent, I can hear it very loud. It's a companion, and a consequence of working many years in a call center.
There's a silence so deep in this apartment right now that this pii sound is driving me crazy. It's only interrupted with occasional music from the bar downstreet or some car.
But now there's a new sound, a 'dull sound', it's my cat's snoring. He does it when deeply asleep, regularly for a time and then goes quiet again.
I wonder if he can hear me snoring at night. Do I even snore? Definitely he hears me talking in my sleep, I do that quite often, as some friends have told me, and a few times I was slightly conscious when doing so.
He's silent again.
Now the fridge is making that kind of sound, similar to the one made by fluorescent tubes, but a little more grave, a little more rust. It's a, hard vibration.
21.7.24 12:49 ♦ Like a month ago I discovered that there's a limit on the amount of text one can have in hear. I just couldn't continue logging due to this and just... simply stopped it.
I'll try now to keep a more lightweight journal, to the point, and continue the more extensive writing on my paper journal.