v0x3lr0t @nanaonsha
zim, dib: born to lock in, forced to dilly daily
tak: born to lock in, forced to lock in
gir: born to dilly daily, forced to dilly daily
gaz (me): born to dilly daily, forced to lock in
i can finally wear my gaz cosplay... too bad i cannot do so today because i have an Important College Meeting. and ofc i have to kinshift for the first time in forever (january i think?) on the day of the Important College Meeting).
screw this world.
ive been getting into a few other things recently, too:
- i finally began playing the vn i had been planning to get into for a while now, 11eyes.
- i've been reading through some world of darkness discussion, started getting interested on the lore and while i'll probably not be playing it anytime (emphasis on probably)... i came to the conclusion that i vibe too much with the virtual adepts and gaz would be one of them (this is what led me to kinshifting btw)
- i am finally finishing up u149. i'll continue k-on (becuase i've been listening a bit too much houkago teatime) and watch kaleido star (recommendation from one of my scion campaign's players) next.
anyways i'll probably read my horoscope next. no real reason, its just a quick and dirty little habit.
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things i like
- parappa the rapper
- manga time kirara, esp. kaduho and kiyuduki satoko
- lyrical nanoha
- animation in general, whether it be japanese or western
- music
- computing
- sysadmining
- cute anime girls
- ttrpgs
- reading
- sleeping
stories i will never write
- Antithesis of Time and Space (sci-fi/fantasy?)
- GA: Geijutsuka Art Design Class: Second Year (fanfic)
- Game Theory (Pokemon B2W2 nuzlocke comic)
- playstation allstars battle royale 2
- the complete The World is in Your Hands (parappa fanfic i started in 2022)
- book about parappa the rapper
- comitia tier original doujinshi
- autobiography
- Magical Girl Rendezvous
currently consooming
- nanoha vivid (manga)
- idolmaster u149
- juniper lee
- 11eyes (the vn)
- invader zim comics