teff @teff

3/24: i dreamt of you last night. you were riding a big bicycle, and you had long, wavy, blonde hair that flowed down your back. your hair glistened as it bounced in the sun, like waves in an ocean or mirrors pointed at the sky. i called your name and you turned around and greeted me with a big smile. we talked briefly and then parted ways. i left thinking about how beautiful you were. i still think you’re beautiful, and i hope you do, too. 3/22: dawson's creek is C~R~I~N~G~E and i can't stop watching it. 3/21: i'm having trouble journaling these days. i bought some fragrance samples and might try writing about them since i haven't done that in a while. i tried shopping for a scented lotion in-person but wound up getting something with patchouli base notes which does not work for me at all. it's a chanel lotion that starts citrusy and fresh but turns into something that is absolutely not me. i hope i can return or exchange this thing but if not i'll leave it with my mom and sister. i don't know what it is about patchouli; i can't ever wear it -- makes me feel ill. makes me feel like i am trapped in a room that reeks of patchouli lol. imho patchouli is a fragrance-ruiner. there are so many perfumes and lotions that would instantly be great if they didn't have it. but that's just me. i wanna learn more about fragrance notes. in another life i'll be a nose!
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zodiac signs in a word or two

  • capricorn: clipboard
  • cancer: sea salt
  • libra: sea breeze
  • gemini: lyric
  • virgo: ointment
  • leo: ribbon
  • scorpio: squid
  • taurus: sediment
  • aries: ford pinto
  • pisces: mist
  • aquarius: loungewear
  • sagittarius: doberman

aging backwards™ coffee

  • brew 2-3 tbsp freshly ground coffee beans + 3 whole cloves* in coffee pot of choice
  • steam & froth macadamia nut milk + a swig of almond malk creamer (other milks are okay i guess, except for oat)
  • add brewed coffee to a mug (don't add milk yet)
  • add 2 g chaga powder to coffee and stir
  • add 10 g collagen peptides and stir
  • add frothed milk and stir
  • optional: add a dash of ginger powder or cinnamon stick (not both) to coffee and stir
  • drink everyday and rewrite your childhood
  • * cloves must be ground with coffee beans!
  • ** as (or after) you grind the beans and cloves, add ginger, and borrow from sudani culture, please donate to a sudani gofundme
  • *** aging backwards is more likely to occur if you use at least 8-10 skincare products; avoid essential oils & fragrance
  • **** ginger powder pairs well with lion's mane & lion's mane is good for things like brain fog and cognitive health. so you can replace the chaga with lion's mane but you may not age backwards just fyi

coffee rankings

  • the chicago of coffee: cafe altura viennese blend
  • the oakland of coffee: ikea påtår dark roast
  • the cairo of coffee: nescafe instant coffee
  • the nyc of coffee: cafe bustelo brick
  • the sedona of coffee: blue bottle balanced beans
  • the philadelphia of coffee: ray's philly blend
  • the omdurman of coffee: intelligentsia el diablo blend
  • the los angeles of coffee: (tbd, need to discuss with faisal)
  • the baltimore of coffee: mount hagen instant coffee
  • the detroit of coffee: ray's house blend

zodiac signs as my supplements (revised)

  • capricorn: psyllium husk
  • cancer: magnesium
  • libra: vitamin c
  • gemini: quercetin
  • virgo: zinc
  • leo: vitamin d
  • scorpio: probiotic
  • taurus: cbd gummy
  • aries: vitamin b-12
  • pisces: vitamin b-6
  • aquarius: krill oil
  • sagittarius: glutathione

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