tamping (he/him) @tamping

n.,v. left hand of this Fulcrum Club gerund of present participle: 1: to drive in or down by a succession of light or medium blows 2: to put a check on: REDUCE, LESSEN callsign: Set AC name: Zugzwang does your barbaric yawp sound?​?​!​!​?​!​?​!​?​! tampingmusic@gmail.com i miss blaseball. go crabs <3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/26/25 wrecked my car & bought, after years of needing one, a truck: early 2000's, seats I fit in, politely scuffed around the edges. I named him Hush Puppy after a joke with dear friend in West Virginia who never speaks above a whisper, who discovered a dead fawn in a maintenance shed with me & only became more tender. If I can, I'll set down roots. 1/10/25 officially diagnosed as on the spectrum, should do wonders for my street cred. i don't sweat labels but i know they can help. good data good data. 9/22/24 excuses climb up through the sink. entropy might introduce me to the in-laws, as good rivals should. one song left. i've done it the wrong way, but worth it, but it's all good data. 6/28/24 "we had to go on living." that's the hardest & most worth it part. i live /here/ now. i have a lover and have befriended a professional wrestler who wants to make music videos together. the excuses suffocate themselves. onward gently. 5/15/24 respelendent, yes. wishing for more of the same has never been more decadent or necessary. now about these poems, these songs i keep putting off-- i have stepped away from the river and the fish have changed. 12/15 - 11:01pm (!)how now to return to this life, polka time I want & may get(!) 12/10/23 car broke down, left axle split in half, through the undeserved kindness of friends & strangers I persist. The kids love James Baldwin [The Artist's Struggle for Integrity specifically]. I want them to be alright. yearning has intensified, understandably. 11/28/23 recorded 2 songs w/ temper last night. it is little touches that make me feel indestructible. "I want time with you Damien O'Donovan" spins me (!) 06/06/23 commence era of /pining/ & /yearning/
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I'd Rather Be

  • for me the /with/, hardly /where/. I'm trying
  • to hold onto mulch clippings, salt water.
  • You can start with my hands & ears. I guess
  • ospreys, milks crates & nails know better
  • than me. I'll always come when called.
  • Actually, I need a body of water
  • with a flat edge the sun can fall off.

Against Further Compressions

  • [intro]
  • pleasant, skulduggery
  • caudal autotomy
  • little battles
  • bonnethead
  • capsize
  • sortie
  • butcher's apron
  • soapstone
  • there must be /fix/
  • stratagem


  • soil around plants
  • tobacco into a pipe
  • clay, sand, or dirt into a drill hole (above explosives)
  • ground coffee into the portafilter
  • soil to be built on or near
  • gunpowder in a cannon's throat, actually
  • see also: other violent acts of care
  • every parentheses, most brackets
  • a handshake's inhale, which Doc Warman, every day, said I had the best in the world

"we try everything"

  • every place is a good one to start: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxifisRFDtk
  • the big homie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxaNZxiJcLs
  • simply superb: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8xQ9GbY/
  • no daddies necessary: https://www.npr.org/2007/05/26/10474701/a-very-special-shark-gives-birth
  • hey mark: https://www.tiktok.com/@markhogben/video/7316537208821927173?_r=1&_t=8iXOP3dqjaE
  • catholic school stays for the gays: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxNs7O6zqbg&list=LL&index=12
  • ok maybe this daddy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPYJFpEuWE8
  • i'm my own boss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbfu39l0kxg
  • let's go chris: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzyR_MWEGBU
  • these brits get a pass: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rdSlshLV9U&t=915s
  • brennan <3: https://soundcloud.com/dearhankandjohn/339-every-building-is-a-vehicle-w-brennan-lee-mulligan

In Another Room I Am Drinking Eggs from a Boot - Frank Stanford

  • What if the moon was essence of quinine
  • And high heels were a time of day
  • The chauffeur is telling the cook
  • The antler would pry into ice floes
  • Swim with a lamp
  • And we'd be shivering in a ditch
  • Biting through a black wing
  • There would be boats
  • There would be a dream country
  • The great quiet humming of the soul at night
  • The only sound is a shovel
  • Clearing a place for a mailbox

we must descriptive, but never describe

  • It Wasn't a Dream it was a Flood - with Frank Stanford: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPS1tXOvoC8
  • Michael Coles's Torque at 2:10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkZWAftJfxs&list=LLIWYlaeT1FH7ySgjQBjneDQ&index=2&t=0s
  • Ballad of the Irish Horse - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuI9qyEBWSM&list=LLJlIiS32joR4i7vQWDjEUtw&index=10&t=0s
  • Chinggis khaanii Magtaal - Batzorig Vaanchig: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_5yt5IX38I
  • R.A.P. Ferreira on "Bob's Son" - https://youtu.be/iFeIZe4SG5s
  • DAGOTHWAVE - youngscrolls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iR-K2rUP86M
  • Stabat Mater - Windborne Singers: https://youtu.be/PH3eUSPvWX8

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