tamping (he/him) @tamping
n.,v. left hand of this Fulcrum Club
gerund of present participle:
1: to drive in or down by a succession of light or medium blows
2: to put a check on: REDUCE, LESSEN
callsign: Set
AC name: Zugzwang
does your barbaric yawp sound??!!?!?!?!
i miss blaseball. go crabs <3
wrecked my car & bought, after years of needing one, a truck: early 2000's, seats I fit in, politely scuffed around the edges. I named him Hush Puppy after a joke with dear friend in West Virginia who never speaks above a whisper, who discovered a dead fawn in a maintenance shed with me & only became more tender. If I can, I'll set down roots.
officially diagnosed as on the spectrum, should do wonders for my street cred. i don't sweat labels but i know they can help. good data good data.
excuses climb up through the sink. entropy might introduce me to the in-laws, as good rivals should. one song left. i've done it the wrong way, but worth it, but it's all good data.
"we had to go on living." that's the hardest & most worth it part. i live /here/ now. i have a lover and have befriended a professional wrestler who wants to make music videos together. the excuses suffocate themselves. onward gently.
respelendent, yes. wishing for more of the same has never been more decadent or necessary. now about these poems, these songs i keep putting off-- i have stepped away from the river and the fish have changed.
12/15 - 11:01pm
(!)how now to return to this life, polka time I want & may get(!)
car broke down, left axle split in half, through the undeserved kindness of friends & strangers I persist. The kids love James Baldwin [The Artist's Struggle for Integrity specifically]. I want them to be alright. yearning has intensified, understandably.
recorded 2 songs w/ temper last night. it is little touches that make me feel indestructible. "I want time with you Damien O'Donovan" spins me (!)
commence era of /pining/ & /yearning/
view the source
I'd Rather Be
- for me the /with/, hardly /where/. I'm trying
- to hold onto mulch clippings, salt water.
- You can start with my hands & ears. I guess
- ospreys, milks crates & nails know better
- than me. I'll always come when called.
- Actually, I need a body of water
- with a flat edge the sun can fall off.
Against Further Compressions
- [intro]
- pleasant, skulduggery
- caudal autotomy
- little battles
- bonnethead
- capsize
- sortie
- butcher's apron
- soapstone
- there must be /fix/
- stratagem
- soil around plants
- tobacco into a pipe
- clay, sand, or dirt into a drill hole (above explosives)
- ground coffee into the portafilter
- soil to be built on or near
- gunpowder in a cannon's throat, actually
- see also: other violent acts of care
- every parentheses, most brackets
- a handshake's inhale, which Doc Warman, every day, said I had the best in the world
"we try everything"
- every place is a good one to start: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxifisRFDtk
- the big homie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxaNZxiJcLs
- simply superb: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8xQ9GbY/
- no daddies necessary: https://www.npr.org/2007/05/26/10474701/a-very-special-shark-gives-birth
- hey mark: https://www.tiktok.com/@markhogben/video/7316537208821927173?_r=1&_t=8iXOP3dqjaE
- catholic school stays for the gays: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxNs7O6zqbg&list=LL&index=12
- ok maybe this daddy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPYJFpEuWE8
- i'm my own boss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbfu39l0kxg
- let's go chris: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzyR_MWEGBU
- these brits get a pass: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rdSlshLV9U&t=915s
- brennan <3: https://soundcloud.com/dearhankandjohn/339-every-building-is-a-vehicle-w-brennan-lee-mulligan
In Another Room I Am Drinking Eggs from a Boot - Frank Stanford
- What if the moon was essence of quinine
- And high heels were a time of day
- The chauffeur is telling the cook
- The antler would pry into ice floes
- Swim with a lamp
- And we'd be shivering in a ditch
- Biting through a black wing
- There would be boats
- There would be a dream country
- The great quiet humming of the soul at night
- The only sound is a shovel
- Clearing a place for a mailbox
we must descriptive, but never describe
- It Wasn't a Dream it was a Flood - with Frank Stanford: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPS1tXOvoC8
- Michael Coles's Torque at 2:10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkZWAftJfxs&list=LLIWYlaeT1FH7ySgjQBjneDQ&index=2&t=0s
- Ballad of the Irish Horse - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuI9qyEBWSM&list=LLJlIiS32joR4i7vQWDjEUtw&index=10&t=0s
- Chinggis khaanii Magtaal - Batzorig Vaanchig: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_5yt5IX38I
- R.A.P. Ferreira on "Bob's Son" - https://youtu.be/iFeIZe4SG5s
- DAGOTHWAVE - youngscrolls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iR-K2rUP86M
- Stabat Mater - Windborne Singers: https://youtu.be/PH3eUSPvWX8