peder fjällström @fjallstrom

1 feb 2025: checking in to leave a note for my future self. over the last 10 years years i have found myself writing a diary in my gmail drafts folder. i don't do it so much anymore. thinking about it now, i know that the last few years have mainly been notes to myself when going on a plane somewhere. like clearing my head during a transition. i had a lot of transition periods outside planes when i started, and the diary writing was helpful in my day to day. right now i feel stable and glad to have found an inner peace and nowhere to transition to. i think this will evolve over the coming years. inner peace as a base for exploration. 3 mar 2024: back to say hi. i'm alive. many things have happened since 2021. i bought that tiny farm in northern sweden. i raise chickens and have horses. that cat mentioned below is a main coon which we named Katla. there's also a new cat, a tiny prankster we call Knubbis. career wise it's better than ever. founded a company with a semi new friend, called Try New Things. the name and what we do seems to create sparks in people. there's another company too, which should have started around when i wrote my last post. Nysnö. We're now a mature psychedelic retreat company. hm. wow. a lot happened in these years. i've grown too. matured quite a bit. 16 oct 2021: so i had two surgerys in 48 hours. now my eyes are AMAZINGLY sharp and my foot is severely severed. will hopefully turn out as great as my EYES eventually. am away now with a micro conference with a few from work. didn't think i'd be able to. but it's nice. i'm making a fish stew with aioli and garlic levaine for dinner. 3 oct 2021: i think i miss the fish. will start typing here again i think. life is very nice. studying psychosynthesis and it's meaningful. will soon get a cat. next up is buying a tiny farm in northern sweden. or actually well before that is what's up next week: surgery on booth my stupid broken foot and my stupid old eyes. feels very strange going into this week with this ahead. 19 oct 2020: the bakhti feeling from the summer is starting to wear off. insights are there still, but the novelty is fading. my little pod discussion quartet is fantastic and it's great to see them grow. it gives meaning. 8 sept 2020: "sitting" for people is my new favourite pastime. i can't think of anything more rewarding. it's perfect. 4 sept 2020: random things from now: my toyota is taking in water somehow. i miss doing yoga. i will cut down on drinking. both the last open air and the last lake swim of the year has happened. i am looking forward to this very significant weekend. aug 18th 2020: found a cute indie organic farm near where i live. gotta say, handpicking greens and then making a meal of it is very rewarding. just walking around there and smelling/tasting it while still in the ground. love it. i want this all the time. aug 6th 2020: went to technobastun last saturday to mark the end of my vacation. was barely able to wake up to weekly team meeting on monday morning. gradually came to the realization i had another week ok vacation left, which was interesting. a bonus week. vacation from the vacation. not bad. july 27 2020: made nothing today, which is unusual. am off work this week and wanted to try to "not do anything". can't say i liked it much. if i can choose between manic flow state working on a bite size project - or do nothing, i def go with the first. feels good having noticed this, so can cater to my own needs better. july 12 2020: decided to let go of my worthless wordpress site and just use this page instead. i want to love special fish, so i have to commit a little. btw i got a mention from @mikael, which was great fun. hey hey. do i know you? first post. sometime in may: i put my feet into the lake this morning. my pug did the same. it was glorious. recommended.
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  • bogdan raczynski - ahou jiko
  • the vernon spring - a place over woods II
  • barker - hards of the darwinian order

my projects

  • work baby 1 ->
  • work baby 2 ->
  • hackathon ->


  • work -> founder at Try New Things and Nysnö
  • live -> skråmträsk, skellefteå, sweden
  • phone -> +46 70 910 50 77
  • email ->

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