bem-me-quer @bem-me-quer

Hello, my name is Inês and this is my second brain, my internet brain. When I'm not here, find me in the sun ☀️ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 07.07.20 Still obsessing with note-taking methods. After spending some time watching Mukul Khanna's videos, I could set a Zettelkasten knowledge-management system in Notion. Now let's take smart notes while reading. 02.07.20 Trying to understand my relationship with social media. What's the purpose?
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For a slowly and warm July, with music in the air

  • Became a member of The Interaction Design Foundation! Learning more about user research
  • There are some new broadcasters on htp://, my favorite radio station. Their voices sound like a summer breeze.
  • Meeting friends and returning to all the places I have missed
  • I drived in the highway for the first time!
  • Eating wild strawberries from my grandpan garden
  • Spending a salty-water-saturday with P. and C.

June 2020 was about

  • Writing more on
  • Learning to take better notes
  • Obsessing with sewing
  • Dyeing some fabrics with tumeric and blueberries
  • Trying audio books
  • Being interviewed by @tjalve for Naive Weekly
  • Cooking *the best* cannelones
  • Joining the Portuguese Women in Tech book club
  • Listening to my second Alice Phoebe Lou concert (this time from my living room)

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